The University encourages all crimes and emergencies to be reported by calling 911. Non-emergency safety and security matters should be reported by calling the SPD at 598.1111 or by submitting an online form, which is routed to several of the above individuals for their response. These reports can be submitted by victims or witnesses on a voluntary, confidential basis for inclusion in crime statistics. Reporting to the SPD achieves both University and law enforcement reporting, as the SPD has the authority to enforce the law.
Prompt and accurate reporting of crimes aids in apprehension of suspects and preservation of evidence, providing a timely response and warning notices to the campus community when appropriate, and assists in compiling accurate crime statistics. Students, employees, community members, and visitors are encouraged to report all crimes to the SPD and/or other area law enforcement agencies. There are 17 emergency phones at various locations on campus that connect directly to the SPD.
Reports may also be made to the dean of students and others who have significant responsibility for student activities, including associate and assistant deans of students, director of residential life, proctors, head residents, area coordinators, director of athletics, coaches, and the Title IX coordinator. Reports are reviewed for further action to determine if a law or policy has been violated, if further investigation is warranted, or, if adequate evidence does exist, then what is the appropriate remedy or sanction. When crimes are reported to pastoral or counseling personnel, confidentiality is maintained but reporters are informed of their reporting options.
The Sewanee Police Department reports all crimes to the Tennessee Bureau of Investigation and Federal Bureau of Investigation using the National Incident Based Reporting System (NIBRS). These statistics include additions to what is required by the Federal Campus Crime and Security (Clery) Act.