We help students discover their strengths, learn career skills through workshops and individual appointments to explore potential majors, careers, internships, and jobs. Students gain real-world job experience through our strong internship program, tools for graduate or professional school applications, and an extensive Sewanee network.

Coaching & Resources

The Career Readiness staff thrives on connection with and support of our students and can provide both virtual and in-person support.

Explore resources or schedule an appointment. We are here to help!

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Design Your Sewanee Experience


No matter where you are in your career exploration,

Sewanee Career Readiness can help.

Meet one-on-one

We work with students and recent graduates who are focused and need specific assistance with cover letters and resumes, networking and job search advice, or preparing for an interview. Likewise, we work with students who feel overwhelmed and confused by the process of choosing a major, first job or internship, or even what step to take next.

Schedule an Appointment
Update your resume

Engage with our office

Attend workshops, panels, and other events hosted by Career Readiness.  Connect with alumni and others you know, learn about companies or industries of interest, and prepare to be surprised at all of the amazing careers crafted by Sewanee alumni.

Beyond the Gates
Explore all events
Early Student Engagement

Discover opportunities

Wherever you are in your career exploration and decision-making, we're here as you prepare for your next step. From your first resume to your first internship to your first destination after graduating.

EXPLORE Internships

The Power of the Sewanee Network

The Sewanee alumni network includes nearly 20,000 people who stand ready to help. Supported through Career Readiness and Sewanee's Office of Alumni and Parent Programs, LinkedIn and Sewanee Gateway are robust tools for developing and nurturing a professional network. 

Alumni and parents' linkedin group
Career READINESS LinkedIn
Sewanee Gateway


When Sewanee students graduate, they head in many directions and pursue a wide variety of first jobs. Many head straight to graduate or professional school. Some do both at once. With preparation and support, Sewanee graduates pursue their early career path beyond the gates with purpose and confidence. 

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Meet the Career Readiness Staff

We work with students and recent graduates who are focused and need specific assistance with cover letters and resumes, networking and job search advice, or preparing for an interview. Likewise, we work with students who feel overwhelmed and confused by the process of choosing a major, first job or internship or even what step to take next. 

Our Office Bio    

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