The Office of Community Standards strives to complement the educational mission of the University, one that focuses on upholding the commitments inherent in the Sewanee community.

The Office of Community Standards is charged with supporting the University’s values by overseeing the conduct process and relevant policies for students enrolled in the College of Arts and Sciences. Community Standards works in partnership with offices including Residential Life, Equity, Equal Opportunity, & Title IX, and the Honor Council to provide education and enforce the relevant policies.

This site includes key information about the resolution process, important policies, how to submit a report, and general resources. Please contact with questions or to recommend additions.


Ecce Quam Bonum

Derived from its general philosophy of student life—Sewanee students are regarded as people who are morally and legally responsible for their own conduct within the norms and values of our community. The resolution process teaches students in the College of Arts and Sciences appropriate and acceptable behavior within a community. The College provides a resolution process in which members of the Sewanee community may resolve violations of the Code of Conduct with mutual respect for one another while fostering relationships. These relationships help to create an environment where members of the community are held responsible for their actions with the ultimate goal of encouraging and fostering the personal growth and development of each student.

Information about the Resolution Process

The Resolution Process

The University's Resolution Process for violations of University policies is outlined in the Code of Conduct. Students are encouraged to review this information to learn more about the expectations for their behavior and what to expect in the process.

Important Forms for Students

Outcome Completion Submission

Submit documentation of completed outcomes including reflection papers, conduct forgiveness hours, and attendance tracking for educational programs.

Appeal Request

Request an appeal for cases heard by the Community Hearing Board or Student Conduct Board. Learn more about appeal submissions here before submitting.

Student Conduct History

There are times when individuals may wish to get a copy of their student conduct history for application to graduate study, leadership roles, or for personal reasons.

Important Policies

Code of Conduct

The Code of Conduct outlines the University's expectations for behavior and the resolution process for alleged violations of any University policy by an undergraduate student or Recognized Student Organization.

Good Samaritan Policy

The health and safety of the campus community is a paramount concern for the University. The Good Samaritan Policy provides amnesty to students for violations of alcohol or other drug policies in order to decrease barriers for seeking help in an emergency.

Additional Information

Hearing Boards

The Code of Conduct defines two hearing boards that may hear and resolve alleged violations of University policies. 

Information for Support Persons

Students and Recognized Student Organizations have the right to have a Support Person of their choosing present in any resolution proceedings. Review the information here to learn more about the role of a Support Person.

Key Terms

The resolution process has a unique vocabulary, and understanding the meaning of these key terms in context of the resolution process is important.


Criminal Law Student Conduct
Process is punitive in its nature Process is designed to be educational
Most severe penalties can include the loss of liberty or life (loss of rights) Most severe sanction is removal from the academic community (loss of privilege)
Federal rules of evidence apply to information being considered All reasonable information is considered
Guild must be established “beyond a reasonable doubt” (must be proven by the prosecution’s evidence) Responsibility established by “preponderance of evidence” (meaning more likely than not)

Notices and Statements

Notices and statements provide additional information about key processes at the institution including explanations of the Annual Security Report.



The Campus Assessment, Response, and Evaluation (CARE) Team provides support and intervention to students experiencing difficulty in one or more of the dimensions of wellbeing

Equity and Equal Opportunity

The Office of Equity and Equal Opportunity addresses potential discrimination related to a protected class including race, color, sex, religion, national origin, age, disability, sexual orientation, gender identity, veteran status, pregnancy and childbirth, and genetic information.


LiveSafe is a mobile-safety technology used by the University to help share safety information, report concerns, and access emergency help.

Residential Life

The Office of Residential Life provides programming and support to the 98% of students who live on campus.

Sewanee Police Department

The Sewanee Police Department (SPD) provides security and patrol protection to The Domain. SPD Officers are vested with full law enforcement powers and responsibilities. 

Student Accessibility Services

Student Accessibility Services (SAS) works to ensure students with disabilities are afforded equal opportunity to participate in and benefit from programs, services, and activities of the University by enacting reasonable accommodations including academic, housing, and dining accommodations.

Title IX

The Title IX Office provides education, resources, and investigation into claims of sex discrimination including sexual harassment, non-consensual sexual contact, dating violence, domestic violence, and stalking.

Wellness Commons

The Wellness Commons includes the departments of Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS), FitWell, and University Health Services.