Chandler & Eunice
"Belonging stops when we fail to see the beauty of differences."
Belonging is connection. It’s mattering. It’s thriving. At Sewanee, we’ve created an environment to foster this sense of belonging. We also know that there is no finality to belonging—it’s continual and evolving. That’s why we’ve built a community full of diverse people whose goal is to walk alongside you no matter what.
"Belonging stops when we fail to see the beauty of differences."
"I've formed some amazing friendships."
"I knew it would feel like home."
"Everybody here made me feel at home."
"Everyone is watching out for you."
"Belonging means mattering."
"There’s healing work being done here, and I feel at home because of it."
"Sewanee has helped me find myself in a way I never thought possible."
"Being together is so important."
"There's a connection—a thread of commonality."
"Community, to me, means fellowship."
"We're in this together."
"Just show up where people are."
"If I can see just one student smile, that makes my day."
"They actually get me here. And I like that."
"The Sewanee experience is about being genuine."
"Everybody loves each other and wants to support one another."
"It's like a community hub here."
"We all enjoy activities solo, but it’s so rewarding to do them with others."
"I have my Mountain family."
Sewanee provides funding for an approved summer internship or research fellowship, a semester-long study abroad opportunity at no additional tuition cost, and the ability to graduate with one major in four years. Of course, you will have to do your part. If you meet Sewanee’s academic and social expectations, these opportunities will be provided.
Our small classes mean that your voice will be heard, your contribution will be expected, and your opinion will be listened to (and disagreed with, and challenged, and seen from a different perspective, and pushed in a new direction, and considered—and you know what? Maybe we’re both right. See how it works?).
A visit to the Domain (it's what we call our 13,000-acre campus) is the best way to determine if Sewanee is a good fit for you. Once you set foot on campus, spend time with our students and professors, or take a stroll through Abbo's Alley, we are confident that Sewanee will find its way into your heart.