The Comprehensive Exam
All students majoring in English must pass the Comprehensive Examination by their graduation date.
All students majoring in English must pass the Comprehensive Examination by their graduation date.
Given the limited time we have with our majors, we must acknowledge that the readings they undertake in the English curriculum are only a stone’s skip across a wide and rich expanse of literary waters.
If you are concerned about getting the right classes to prepare for the comp and otherwise get the English education you want, find answers here in a useful summary of what the English major recommends.
Learn about the Honors Process here! These are the guidelines for 2024-25 seniors.
In seeking employment or admission to graduate or professional school, you often need letters of recommendation.
The Alma Mater of Quentin Compson's father in The Sound and the Fury, overlooking Lost Cove where the saving remnant gathers in Walker Percy's Lost in the Cosmos, the University of the South has been closely connected with writers and literature from the advent of the Sewanee Review in 1892 through the creation of the Sewanee Writers' Conference in 1990.
Behind the quiet mien of Stacy Haines lived a great enthusiasm for language, ideas, and the of the mind - an enthusiasm he joyfully shared with his wife Peggy. This series of lectures and readings, funded permanently by gifts in Stacy's memory from his family and friends, and administered by the College Department of English, stands as a natural and proper extension of the man and his interests.
Finding "quality" information online can sometimes be difficult. A simple Google search of Shakespeare returns 48,400,000 links!
Want to talk to an English professor about the major? Drop your name and email using this form and we'll be in touch.