Questions about academics? courses? finances? culture shock? and more? We have answers!

Does participation in study abroad count toward Sewanee graduation?

Yes.  Our study abroad programs all give academic credit toward graduation.  Semester-long programs usually yield 15 or 16 semester hours of elective, major, minor, or general education credit.  Summer programs vary in length and generally have credit values of 4 to 8 credit hours.  

How do I start the process of planning for study abroad?

Begin by attending information sessions and events held by the Office of Global Citizenship, making an appointment with one of our study away advisors, or by creating an account in VIA-TRM and submitting a Request to Study Away. More information about the application process can be found here.

How do I choose the right program for me?

Students establish their learning objectives early in the application process so that their goals and objectives for study abroad are central to every conversation they have with their academic and study abroad advisor. Through reviewing these objectives, searching for programs in Via, and meeting with academic faculty and study abroad staff, students can be confident that they will choose a program that's the right fit. 

When do most Sewanee students participate in study abroad?

The majority of students study away or abroad during their junior year; however we also encourage sophomores and seniors to apply if it works better within their academic career at Sewanee. 

What if i want to participate in a program that is not on the program list?

The approved list has been carefully crafted and offers numerous opportunities for students, whatever their interest.  Students are strongly encouraged to choose from among those 100+ options. Given the number of choices and the fact that they have been intentionally vetted, it is unlikely that alternative options will be approved; however, you can appeal through the Office of Global Citizenship to attend an unapproved program. 

How expensive is study abroad?

Under the Sewanee Pledge, students pay the same amount they would generally for a semester of study at Sewanee, i.e. tuition, fees, room, and board, during their semester abroad. For more information, see Funding Study Abroad.  

how safe is it to study abroad?

Today, there is some inherent risk wherever one travels today; however, a study published by the Forum on Education Abroad has also shown that the risk of death to students is twice as high on college campuses in the U.S. than it is while studying abroad. Rather than shy away from studying away from Sewanee or ignore risk of being abroad, Sewanee’s approach is to assess and mitigate risk. We have carefully screened our approved program providers, and they have well-developed safety measures at their program sites. Below is a list of recommended practices students can do prior to and while abroad to further mitigate risks:

Below is a set of good practices students should observe prior to and while abroad:

  1. Check the international travel section of the U.S. Department of State's website for government-sponsored information regarding travel abroad, individual country profiles, travel alerts, travel warnings, and worldwide cautions.
  2. Register with the Smart Traveler Enrollment Program (STEP) to provide the Department of State with information that can be used to better assist them in the case of an emergency.
  3. Avoid hanging out in crowded places and tourist areas where pickpockets may operate and that may be sites of attacks.
  4. Do not participate in political events as they may turn violent or anti-U.S.  Observe from a distance or in the news.
  5. Avoid dangerous and poorly lit areas, especially at night. When traveling at night, walk in pairs or small groups.
  6. Try to defuse altercations and avoid getting into heated arguments.
  7. Understand their rights and responsibilities under Title IX.
  8. Take any immediate actions necessary to protect their safety and/or welfare.
How does Sewanee prepare me for study abroad?

After you've been accepted on a study abroad program, Sewanee runs a required pre-departure orientation where office staff covers important health & safety information, travel tips, culture shock, special topics related to studying abroad, and geographic-specific sessions. 

What is the Sewanee Pledge?

Sewanee has taken a leading role in making a first-rate education more accessible, making scheduling and advising more personal, and making honor central to life on the Domain. Now, we have deepened our commitment by adding new guarantees for new students.

We pledge—to help Sewanee graduates secure good jobs and spots at top graduate programs by providing funding for a summer internship or research fellowship.

We pledge—to help Sewanee graduates find their place in an increasingly interconnected world by providing you with access to a semester-long study abroad program at no additional tuition cost.

We pledge—that you will graduate in four consecutive years (with one major). If you do not, Sewanee will provide up to one additional year of study tuition-free.

Of course, you will have to do your part, too. But if you meet Sewanee’s academic and social expectations, we pledge—we guarantee—to make these opportunities available to you.

More information on the Sewanee Pledge can be downloaded here

How does the Sewanee Pledge specifically apply to study abroad?

Sewanee charges students our own comprehensive fees (tuition, room, board, and fees) on semester study abroad programs. Students are responsible for certain additional costs:

  • All refundable deposits.
  • Additional course fees or room fees
  • All non-program costs, including travel, visas, books, additional meals, etc.

If a study abroad program does not provide full room, students will be credited their Sewanee room charge. If no board or partial board is provided, Sewanee’s treasurer’s office will credit the student's account for the uncovered portion. Multiple housing and meal plan options may be offered at the same cost through the same program. Students eligible for partial refunds of their board charges will receive refunds based on the housing plan offered that includes the most meals. Full board is considered 21 meals per week. (Ex. A student may choose a homestay with 14 meals per week or a self-catered apartment. The cost of the options is the same. Students will only be refunded 7 meals per week, regardless of which option they choose. Those adjustments in addition to the cost of the program will not exceed the Sewanee comprehensive fee.)

To qualify to study abroad under the Sewanee Pledge:

  • Students must study abroad their junior year.*
    *If students wish to advocate to study abroad during their sophomore or senior years, they can petition through the Office of Global Citizenship.
  • Students must have a 2.5 GPA+
    + If your GPA is 2.0-2.49, you can petition through the Office of Global Citizenship
  • Students must choose an approved and authorized program
    Approved = Sewanee-approved
    Authorized = Authorized by a study abroad advisor