We are dedicated to training students to address global problems and promoting activities that link Sewanee with the rest of the world. As part of that effort, we strive to cultivate global citizens in our community who can effectively engage across boundaries and respond to challenges facing the world.


Looking to go someplace new? Try New Zealand, New Delhi, New York, or somewhere else new on any of the seven continents (yes, even Antarctica!). Whether you want to travel for three weeks, a semester, or somewhere in between, we can help you find the program that’s right for you.


From your application through your graduation (and beyond!), we support your academic, social, and personal endeavors with international student orientation, immigration and acculturation advising, off-campus trips, on-campus events, Friendship Families, and more.


Study abroad is only a drop of water in the (Indian, Atlantic, Pacific, Arctic, Southern) ocean of international opportunities open to Sewanee students. Dive in and explore international internships, jobs, and research and volunteer opportunities to see how much more there is to the world.


The Office of Global Citizenship offers resources to support faculty and staff in various international and educational endeavors. Some of these include leading programs abroad, advising international students, hosting international scholars, and acquiring and maintaining immigration status.


"Sewanee Around the Globe" is the quarterly newsletter published by the Office of Global Citizenship, and it celebrates global citizenship on and off the mountain. 

The Privilege to Work for the Good of Others


For many people around the world, things we take as basic rights — clean water, clean air, an education — are seen as privileges. Christina Kwauk, C’05, is working to change that. 

While she works to shift these issues from privileges to rights, she acknowledges that the ability to do this work itself “is such a privilege.” This theme ripples through her understanding of global citizenship and the work she does: the ability “to ‘think global’ is a privilege as it means that one’s most basic needs of food, shelter, safety, belongingness, a reliable income, etc., have all been fulfilled (i.e. one’s ‘local’ must all be in order before thinking global)." 

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Our Global Citizens

Connecting the Dots