The Request to Study Away is how students formally declare their intent to study away/abroad to The Office of Global Citizenship. The Request is found by searching under "programs" in Via.
complete the study away quiz
Review the Study Away FAQs and complete the Study Away Quiz. Students who wish to study away must earn an 80% (12/15) on the quiz.
JUMP TO SPRING 2026 STUDY AWAY | Jump to Fall 2025 Study Away
Jan. 16, 2025
Study Away Fair will be held in duPont Library 11 A.M. - 2 P.M.
All students interested in studying abroad during their time at Sewanee are encouraged to attend!
Spring 2026 Study away
Jan. 13, 2025
Spring 2025 Request to STudy Away Opens in Via
The Spring 2026 Request to Study Away can be found by searching under "Programs" in Via-TRM or by clicking the link above. This is how a student lets our office know they are interested in studying away in the Spring 2026 semester. Once submitted, students have access to their Learning Objectives form.
All tasks must completed by the deadlines below.
February 15, 2025
Request to Study Away Due
The Request to Study Away for Spring 2026 will close at 11:59 p.m. on February 15, 2025.
All tasks must completed by the deadlines below.
Mar. 1, 2025
STUDY AWAY AGREEMENT & Learning Objectives Due
Early decision program applications & program petitions due
- The Study Away Agreement will be sent through Adobe Sign and will be password protected. Students should review this document carefully before initialing, signing, and submitting.
- The Learning Objectives Form is found in Via, and it is an important questionnaire that helps students begin to identify academic goals and personal preferences that guide the program selection process. Students will make an appointment with their academic/major advisor to discuss this questionnaire BEFORE submitting. Students are required to meet with their major advisor(s) even if they only plan to take elective or minor credit while away. If a student has two majors, they should meet with both advisors.
- The following programs that require an early decision application for Spring 2026: Carleton Buddhist Studies, CEA Prague, CIEE Open Campus Block, DIS Copenhagen & Stockholm, Earlham Border Studies, IFSA Tech Career Accelerator, IES Dublin Writers Program, IES Freiburg, IES Vienna, INSTEP-WFU Cambridge, ISA Florence, ISA Limerick, ISA Cape Town, Middlebury programs, SIT Iceland: Climate Change & the Artic, SIT IHP programs, SIT Argentina, TEAN Shanghai. Students wishing to apply to these programs must have met with their academic/major advisor, submitted their Learning Objectives, and submitted the Study Away Agreement to be considered for a placement in one of these competitive programs.
- Students who desire to attend a program that has not been approved by the Office of Global Citizenship should reach out to their study away advisor to discuss the program petition process.
All tasks must completed by the deadlines below.
May 1, 2025
There are three (3) study away advisors in the Office of Global Citizenship. Please find the advisor assigned to your major. It is the student's responsibility to contact their study abroad advisor to arrange a meeting. Alongside your study abroad advisor, you will choose a short list of programs that best fit your learning objectives from our list of Approved Study Away Programs. Students will communicate their study away program of choice to their study away advisor by May 1st.
Students will apply to their approved study away program as soon as practicable.
Students will complete two (2) program applications. Once in Via and again through the study away program provider. Program application deadlines vary by program and those deadlines may differ from the Office of Global Citizenship. It is YOUR responsibility to check the program website for up-to-date information about the program, including application deadlines. Students will typically apply to one (1) study abroad program, unless their study abroad advisor recommends otherwise.
During fall semester
Students Studying Away in Spring 2026 will have the Fall 2025 semester to work on pre-departure forms, entry requirements for their destination, and to apply for additional scholarships.
Visa & Travel Document Requirements
By the start of the fall semester at Sewanee all students intending to study abroad in the spring should be aware of the travel document & entry requirements for their intended program. Visa requirements vary by destination and student status, students should work with their program provider (e.g. CIEE, ISA, SIT, etc.) to understand the process and required documentation. International students may contact the Office of Global Citizenship directly regarding visa assistance.
Sept. 1, 2025
- Students will complete two (2) applications. Once in Via and again through the study away program provider. Program application deadlines vary by program and those deadlines may differ from the Office of Global Citizenship. It is YOUR responsibility to check the program website for up-to-date information about the program, including application deadlines. Students will typically apply to one (1) study abroad program, unless their study abroad advisor recommends otherwise.
- Many study away providers and governmental/educational organizations offer study away scholarships. Many opportunities are listed on our Funding Your Study Abroad page. Scholarship deadlines vary, so students should be proactive with the application process.
Submit the completed form directly to the Office of the Registrar. Guidance on completing this form can be found HERE! Complete this form the semester before you study away.
Pre-departure forms due
- Study Away Final Authorization (SAFA) form (accessible in Via-TRM)
- Waiver of Liability & Hold Harmless Agreement (waivers sent through Adobe Sign)
- GDPR (accessible in Via-TRM) - Students studying abroad in a European Economic Area must complete an additional form known as GDPR. You will be contacted directly regarding the completion process.
- Intercultural Development Inventory (IDI)- the IDI is a 15-20 minute assessment completed online.
Students are required to attend a pre-departure orientation the semester before they study away. Orientations are held during late November (for spring study abroad students) and late April (for summer/fall study abroad students).
Fall 2025 Study Away
Oct. 1 2024
Fall 2025 Request to Study Away Opens in Via
The Fall 2025 Request to Study Away can be found by searching under "Programs" in Via-TRM or by clicking the link above. This is how a student lets our office know they are interested in studying away in the Fall 2025 semester. Once submitted students have access to their Learning Objectives form.
All tasks must completed by the deadlines below.
Nov. 1, 2024
Early decision program applications & program petitions due
- Students wishing to apply to these programs must have met with their academic/major advisor, submitted their Learning Objectives, and submitted the Study Away Agreement to be considered for a placement in one of these competitive programs.
- The following programs that require an early decision application for Fall 2025: Arcadia: N. Ireland Conflict, Peace & Transition, Carleton Buddhist Studies, CEA Prague, CET Beijing, CET Taiwan, CIEE Open Campus Block, DIS Copenhagen & Stockholm, IFSA Tech Career Accelerator, IES Dublin Writers Program, IES Freiburg, IES Vienna, INSTEP-WFU Cambridge, ISA Cape Town, ISA Limerick, Middlebury in Kazakhstan, Middlebury in Taiwan, Middlebury CMRS Oxford, SIT Argentina: People, Environment, and Climate Change in Patagonia & Antarctica, TEAN Shanghai.
- Students who desire to attend a program that has not been approved by the Office of Global Citizenship should reach out to their study away advisor to discuss this process.
- Early Decision Application & Program Petition decisions will be released by Nov. 8, 2024.
Nov. 15, 2024
STUDY AWAY AGREEMENT & Learning Objectives Due (Regular Decision)
- The Study Away Agreement will be sent through Adobe Sign and will be password protected. Students should review this document carefully before initialing, signing, and submitting.
- The Learning Objectives Form is found in Via, and it is an important questionnaire that helps students begin to identify academic goals and personal preferences that guide the program selection process. Students will make an appointment with their academic/major advisor to discuss this questionnaire BEFORE submitting. Students are required to meet with their major advisor(s) even if they only plan to take elective or minor credit while away. If a student has two majors, they should meet with both advisors.
All tasks must completed by the deadlines below.
Dec. 1, 2024
There are three (3) study away advisors in the Office of Global Citizenship. Please find the advisor assigned to your major. It is the student's responsibility to contact their study abroad advisor to arrange a meeting. Alongside your study abroad advisor, you will choose a short list of programs that best fit your learning objectives from our list of Approved Study Away Programs.
Students will apply to their approved study away program as soon as practicable.
Students will complete two (2) applications. Once in Via and again through the study away program provider. Program application deadlines vary by program and those deadlines may differ from the Office of Global Citizenship. It is YOUR responsibility to check the program website for up-to-date information about the program, including application deadlines. Students will typically apply to one (1) study abroad program, unless their study abroad advisor recommends otherwise.
during the Spring semester
Students Studying Away in Fall 2025 will have the spring semester to work on pre-departure forms, entry requirements for their destination, and to apply for additional scholarships.
Visa & Travel DOcument requirements
By the middle of October all students intending to study abroad should be aware of the travel document & entry requirements for their intended program. Visa requirements vary by destination and student status, students should work with their program provider (e.g. CIEE, ISA, SIT, etc.) to understand the process, timeline for submitting visa applications, and required documentation. International students may contact the Office of Global Citizenship directly regarding visa assistance.
Submit the completed form directly to the Office of the Registrar. Guidance on completing this form can be found HERE! The Office of the Registrar has requested that students submit the Application for Degree Credit for Off-Campus Study after April 1.
Pre-departure forms due 4/1
- Study Away Final Authorization (SAFA) form (accessible in Via-TRM)
- Waiver of Liability & Hold Harmless Agreement (waivers sent through Adobe Sign)
- GDPR (accessible in Via-TRM) - Students studying abroad in a European Economic Area must complete an additional form known as GDPR. You will be contacted directly regarding the completion process.
- Intercultural Development Inventory (IDI)- the IDI is a 15-20 minute assessment completed online.
Date TBD
Before going abroad, students are required to attend a pre-departure orientation. Orientations are held during late November or early December (for spring study abroad students) and late April (for summer/fall study abroad students).
upon return
GLBL 102 Global Citizenship and Reflecting on Study Abroad (1)
Students reflect on their study abroad experiences and what it means to be a global citizen. The course helps students to integrate their study abroad experience with their academic and co-curricular work at Sewanee. Students will discuss reverse cultural shock and readjustment to social life in the U.S.