The University of the South’s institutional endorsement of the American College & University Presidents’ Climate Commitment (ACUPCC)  in 2007, by Vice Chancellor Joel Cunningham, was the first and largest sustainability focused public commitment the University has made. This served as part of a series of efforts to increase sustainability practices on campus and reduce Sewanee’s carbon footprint and includes a plan to reduce carbon emissions to net zero by 2030.

2022 Climate accountability plan 

Is in its final stages of editing. Upon formal adoption by the University, the 2022 Climate Accountability Plan will be able to be found here. Please check back. 

Voluntary carbon offsets for air travel

Please check back.  For all University-funded air travel - domestic and international - students and colleagues have the option to offset some of the greenhouse gases associated with their travel. An offset is an optional fee added to the cost of traveling to fund a separate project that reduces carbon emissions elsewhere, such as a sustainability project on campus or the Haiti Carbon Project. This option has been  available at Sewanee, but not widely advertised, since 2020. By participating in this program you are directly helping Sewanee to reach our carbon neutrality goals. 

Complete the voluntary Carbon offset form