Shared Foundation

Sewanee students commit themselves to living with honor, which the Honor Code recognizes as “an ideal and an obligation . . . [that] exists in the human spirit and it lives in the relations between human beings.” Our unique intellectual experience depends upon immersive engagement and intellectual relationships, as promoted by our advising system. And we are committed to a vibrant and relevant educational experience as presented in the College Catalog.

The Pledge

Students entering in Advent 2018 or later can take advantage of the Sewanee Pledge, with its opportunity to participate in study away, or to engage in a research fellowship, or to have a paid internship.

The Curriculum

Our academic curriculum—the required 128 credit hours—promotes common learning outcomes (our general education curriculum) and in-depth intellectual engagement (the major), with opportunities for focused preparation in various disciplines. Electives offer exploration and further discovery.

Summer School

The six-week summer session at Sewanee offers an opportunity for College students to take one or two courses (up to eight credit hours) and thereby facilitate progress toward earning their degree.

Request a Syllabus

A syllabus is the professor’s outline of topics, readings, and assignments covered during a course. Students and alumni may need a syllabus when seeking admission to graduate or professional schools or transferring to another institution.

Report a concern or complaint

Students are encouraged to speak up about the concerns they have. Please take a look at the report for your concern and/or complaint and follow the grievance process.