Friday, September 30

9:00 AM-12:00 PM AND/OR 1:00 PM -4:00 PM (attend one… or both! )

Co-sponsored with the Office of Civic Engagement/Dialogue Across Difference and the Center for Leadership


In this immersion workshop, which is open to all colleagues, we will dive deep into the Liberating Structures repertoire and dig into some novel strategies for working with groups in a way that is both serious AND playful, organized-yet-freeing, and stable-but-varied. These easy-to-learn, inclusive micro-facilitation techniques unflatten learning and engage every person. They can be used in the classroom, in meetings, and in group settings of any size. 


If you’ve never participated in a Liberating Structures workshop, prepare to gain valuable tools to deepen learning, engage in meaningful conversations, create deeper connections with colleagues, and experience joy. We welcome you to this opportunity to invest in your own growth while meeting colleagues from all over the campus.


We will learn these structures by practicing them together during the workshop. This workshop will feature several structures that are designed to:


  • Support a group in generating and then prioritizing different ideas anonymously before quickly moving into action
  • Focus attention on what each person has the freedom & authority to do right away without needing additional resources or permission
  • Express the complementary tensions and paradoxes that give vitality to our work
  • Uncover the tiny-and-easy-to-overlook behaviors that contribute to success
  • Slow things down so that each person can get themselves organized and start to make sense of complex situations or topics
  • Help us confront the plurality of futures that might all plausibly unfold and develop strategies for adapting and responding to all of them


You are welcome to attend the morning session, the afternoon session...or both- whatever fits best with your schedule!. Each session will feature unique Liberating Structures to learn. 


The workshop facilitators are Anna Jackson and Fisher Qua. If you joined in any of the virtual All-Colleagues meetings that were held during the first year of the pandemic, you will recognize these two gifted people. You can read more here about them and their company, Lucky Hunch.

Click here to sign up by September 28, 2022