How do I find a job? How do I hire students?
What must I do before starting work? What must students do before starting work?
What is expected of me on the job? What is expected of me as a supervisor?
How do I get paid? What are tips for managing students?
Additional Resources Additional Resources
Student Employment is part of the Sewanee experience

One of the best ways to get involved at Sewanee is by working on campus! On-Campus employment provides students with financial support in pursuit of their academic goals and opportunities for academic, administrative and other career-related experience. The job duties and responsibilities of student employees vary greatly, and may or may not be related to the student’s field of study.

There are two types of student employment available: 

  • Student Budgeted—Student Budgeted (SB) positions make up the majority of student jobs on campus. Students employed in SB jobs receive wages paid for by the department for which they work.

  • Federal Work StudyFederal Work-Study (FWS) is a financial aid program that allows students to work on-campus or with approved off-campus community service employers to earn money to pay for college expenses. Eligible students are awarded FWS when they complete their Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). Being awarded FWS with financial aid can help a student be eligible for part-time jobs, both on- and off-campus, that they may not have otherwise been eligible for. The FWS program encourages employment in community service and in fields related to your major of study. There are many FWS jobs available to choose from, but unlike Sewanee Student Employee positions, FWS jobs are funded through the Office of Financial Aid. 

Statement on Academic Priority

Students are prohibited from working during their scheduled class times, and should communicate their class schedule to their supervisor each semester and arrange a work schedule that does not interfere with meeting their academic goals.

Information for StudentS

Critical Note: All student employees are required to complete employment documentation PRIOR to their first day of work. The required documents may be completed with the assistance of the Office of Human Resources (HR). Most of the process is completed remotely with the final piece requiring an in-person inspection of documents.

  1. Create Your Resume & Cover Letter
  2. Apply for Jobs
  3. Get Offered a Job
  4. Get Authorized to Work
  5. Work!
  6. Get Paid!
How do I find a job?

To inquire about FWS positions, please contact the Office of Financial Aid

To inquire about SB positions, please explore current posting on Handshake using your single sign-on (Banner) credentials or speak directly with a staff or faculty member who manages a department or program for which you have interest.

What must I do before I start working? 

After receiving a job offer, you are required to complete employment documentation PRIOR to your first day of performing any work. The required documents may be completed with the assistance of the HR located at 380 University Ave. Most of the employment eligibility process is completed remotely with the final piece requiring an in-person inspection of documents. Once the employment eligibility process is complete and eligibility authorized, your hiring supervisor will be notified and you will be able to be scheduled for work.

What documents should I bring with me to HR?

 You may present one selection from List A or a combination of one selection from List B and one selection from List COriginal documents (not copies or images) must be presented.

What if I'm an international student? 

International students in lawful F-1 and J-1 status are eligible to work on campus if enrolled for a full course of study. Eligible international students must not work in excess of 20 hours per week due to visa restrictions. During semester breaks and during the summer semester international students may work up to 40 hours per week. Once offered a job, the international student must obtain a Social Security card from the Social Security Administration prior to beginning work.

What are the general expectations of me as a student employee?

The University promotes professionalism and integrity in the workplace. You are expected to:

  • report to work on-time*
  • dress in a manner that is appropriate for the job (see your supervisor for specific dress code for your area)
  • work the scheduled hours that have been assigned to you
  • complete in a satisfactory manner the tasks assigned to you by your supervisor
  • notify your supervisor in advance should you not be able to work

Not meeting these expectations and any additional expectation established by your supervisor could result in job termination, cancellation of Federal Work-Study awards (if applicable), and/or the inability to be rehired for other future student employment opportunities at the University. Should you need to resign from a position, it is a courteous practice that you give at least a two-week notice to your supervisor.

How do I record my hours worked? 

Unless you are informed otherwise, you will record the hours that you work within your electronic timesheet in Banner's Self-Service module. Instructions can be viewed and downloaded here

Some positions do require the completion of a hard-copy (paper) timesheet, which can be downloaded here

If I fail to submit my timesheet by the deadline, what do I do?

If you fail to submit your timesheet by the deadline communicated in the student payroll calendar, your payment will be included in the next scheduled payroll processing. Submitting your hours worked accurately and on-time is critical to ensuring you are paid accurately and within a timely manner.

How much will I be paid?

You are paid no less than the Tennessee State Minimum Wage of $7.25 per hour; however, you should discuss your rate of pay directly with the Office of Financial Aid (for FWS positions) or your supervisor (for SB positions) as rates vary based on type of employment, experience, etc. 

How often and when do I get paid?

You will be paid in accordance with the student payroll calendar.

How do I get paid? 

You are paid either by direct deposit (if they have authorized the University to conduct such a transaction) or by printed check. Receiving payment by direct deposit is preferable due to the convenience for both the student and the University, the costs advantages of not printing and mailing payments, and for security of payment delivery. If you do not authorize the University to make wage payments via direct deposit, your paycheck will be mailed to your residential address on file and will not be held for pickup or mailed to your campus address with the University student post office (SPO).

How do I update my payment method? 

Instructions for enrolling in or updating your direct deposit information within Banner's Self-Service module can be viewed and downloaded here.

information for supervisors

Resources for hiring and supervising student employees are provided below. Supervisors are responsible for ensuring students are authorized to work at the University, that students enter their time accurately and timely, and for reviewing and approving in a timely manner students' hours worked.

how do I hire a student?

You can initiate the process to recruit by requesting a job posting within Handshake through this link. Handshake postings are managed by Career Readiness + Student Success. 

You can initiate the process to hire a student for a student budget job by completing the student hiring form. Processing student hires is managed by HR. 

You should contact the Office of Financial Aid directly for all FWS positions. 


After you've communicated the job offer to the student and they've communicated their acceptance of the position, you are required to determine if they are authorized to work PRIOR to their first day of performing any work. To determine if the student is authorized to work, contact the Office of Human Resources

WHat is expected of me as a supervisor of student employees?

You are responsible for ensuring students are authorized to work at the University, that students enter their time accurately and timely, and for reviewing and approving in a timely manner students' hours worked. Additionally, you should promote professionalism and integrity in the workplace by ensuring that student employees:

  • report to work on-time*
  • dress in a manner that is appropriate for the job
  • work the scheduled hours that have been assigned them
  • complete in a satisfactory manner the tasks assigned to them
  • notify you in advance should they not be able to work
How and when do I approve students' Timesheets?

Unless you are informed otherwise, you will review and approve the hours that your assigned student employees' work within your electronic approvals menu Banner's Self-Service module. Instructions can be viewed and downloaded here.

For positions that require the completion of a hard-copy (paper) timesheet, you should submit approved timesheets via email directly to student payroll.

Student timesheet approval deadlines, are indicated in the student payroll calendar.

Resources for All


Recording and submitting hours is an essential part of the Work-Study program and is a great opportunity for students to demonstrate responsibility and integrity. Students must provide their supervisors with an accurate record of hours worked each day and verify and submit those hours to their supervisor before each pay period deadline. 

Pay Period Start (Saturday) Pay Period End (Friday) Time Entry Period Ends (Monday at 5 p.m.) Approval Period Ends (Tuesday at 5 p.m.)
Pay Date (Friday)
3/23/24 4/19/24 4/22/24 4/23/24 4/26/24
4/20/24 5/10/24 5/13/24 5/14/24 5/17/24
8/26/24 9/20/24 9/23/24 9/24/24 9/27/24
9/21/24 10/18/24 10/21/24 10/22/24 10/25/24
10/19/24 11/15/24 11/18/24 11/19/24 11/22/24
11/16/24 12/13/24 12/16/24 12/17/24 12/20/24
12/14/24 1/10/25 1/13/25 1/14/25 1/17/25
1/11/25 2/7/25 2/10/25 2/11/25 2/14/25
2/8/25 3/7/25 3/10/25 3/11/25 3/14/25
3/8/25 4/4/25 4/7/25 4/8/25 4/11/25
4/5/25 5/2/25 5/5/25 5/6/25 5/9/25
5/3/25 5/16/25 5/19/25 5/20/25 5/23/25
Sewanee Career Readiness

Career Readiness + Student Success, located on the first floor of Carnegie Hall, has online and in-person resources to help students create applications materials, apply, and interview for their roles. Student can make an appointment for one-to-one support with a Career Readiness Coach through the Student Success Portal, or meet with a Peer Career Advocate for drop-in support most afternoons in the first floor lobby of Carnegie. Online Resources include the Career Readiness Brightspace Course (in which all students can self-enroll) and the Vmock online resume creation tool.

HR Support: Student Employment

On August 15, 2024, our HR team hosted a SPARK event that featured an interactive student employment presentation. While the full interactive experience is not included here, you can find the presentation outline and key details below.
All of the information covered in the presentation is also available on our comprehensive Student Employment webpage. However, we encourage you to reach out to our office if you have any additional questions or need further assistance.

Title IX | Sexual Misconduct Concerns

The University is committed to sustaining a community in which the dignity of every individual is respected. Key to this value are efforts to nurture an environment of civility and mutual respect and to foster a culture of reporting concerns so that the University can respond promptly and equitably whenever an incident occurs.