If you feel that you or someone you know is a victim of discrimination, harassment, or retaliation based on protected class or that there has been a violation of the Non-Discrimination, Harassment, and Retaliation Policy, please contact:

  • The Senior Director of EEOT, Dr. Sylvia Gray at 931-598-1420
    smgray@sewanee.edu or EEO@sewanee.edu 
    Dr. Gray and any associated staff are located in the EQB Building (behind the Wellness Center/Across from McClurg Dining Hall).
    • Set an appointment to meet with the EEOT director by clicking [here]
  • If you are looking for the Title IX website, [CLICK HERE].
  • If you are looking for the
    • ADA website or Director of ADA, [CLICK HERE]
    • Title VI website or Title VI Coordinator, [CLICK HERE]
  • PUBLIC CHART OF RESOURCES | These resources are checked annually in the summer and checks are finalized by August 1st of each year. 



GENERAL PUBLIC SUPPORT LIST for a variety of populations 
  • Any ordained clergy when information is disclosed to the clergy person in their professional capacity (931-598-1274, All Saints Chapel).

  • Southern Tennessee Regional Health System (Sewanee Hospital 931.598.5691 or Winchester Hospital 931.967.8200). While reporting to a healthcare professional is confidential, the medical staff is obligated to notify law enforcement when injuries are life threatening or if injuries result from the use of a weapon (T.C.A. § 38-1-101)

  • Call 911 (emergency) or the Sewanee Police Department at 1111 (non-emergency) for support from law enforcement.

  • You can also use extension 1111 to be routed to a professional staff member who can contact the Dean On Call after normal business hours. 


[CLICK HERE] if you believe you need to request a Mutual No Contact Order.

A Mutual No-Contact Order is issued by the University and directs parties, generally the complainant and respondent(s), to refrain from having in-person or electronic contact with each other, directly or through proxies. A University-issued No-Contact Order is enforceable through the University’s conduct processes. A University Mutual No-Contact Order is not the same as an Order of Protection/Protective Order, which must be obtained through the court system and is enforceable by law enforcement and the court. 

If an involved individual represents an ongoing threat to the health or safety of a complainant of sex discrimination, it may be possible for the complainant to obtain a court-ordered emergency or preliminary protective order. These orders are temporary, and they may be issued if the judge believes that there is an immediate threat to health or safety. Later, after a full hearing, the court may agree to issue a “permanent” protective order in appropriate cases. Protective orders are separate and distinct from University-issued no-contact orders. Protective orders may be obtained only from a court of law, and their violation may result in criminal charges. A student or employee who wishes to seek a protective order should contact the Sewanee Police Department. Mutual No-contact orders may be obtained directly from the Dean of Students Office for students, Human Resources for staff, or Provost’s Office for faculty, and are enforceable through the University policy and code of conduct.


  • For a broad list of campus support that is specific to students, [CLICK HERE]
  • Sewanee Meal Request Form to have a friend pick up a meal. [CLICK HERE].
  • Additional Support options are listed below:
Confidential Resources for Reporting and Support for students:
      • University Wellness Center 931.598.1270, Monday - Friday from 8:00 am - 4:30 pm (medical and counseling services are available for undergraduate students). Note that the office is closed during the noon hour for lunch. After-Hours Emergency Mental Health Services Call 931.598.1700


        See the Crisis Services and ProtoCall for Sewanee pages

        • Counseling and Psychological services is open to all full-time, degree-seeking undergraduate students Monday through Friday, during business hours of 8:00 am - 4:30 pm.
        • School of Theology students seeking access to counseling and psychological care services can contact the Office of Community Life at the School of Theology. School of Letters students seeking access to counseling and psychological care services can contact University Healthy Services for appropriate referrals.


  • For information related to Human Resources and support that is specific to employees, [CLICK HERE]
  • Additional Support options are listed below:
Employee resources for counseling and support services:

As a University Employee, you may have access to the Employee Assistance Program (EAP) as one of your benefits. If you are unsure if you are an eligible employee, please contact Human Resources as 931-598-1382 or see the Employee Benefits Handbook, page 22.

Available resources included under the EAP include:

  • Confidential Emotional Support
  • Work-Life Solutions
  • Legal Guidance
  • Financial Resources
  • Online Support Help for New Parents
  • Free Online Will Preparation
  • Digital behavioral health tools

Contact New Directions anytime! No-cost, confidential solutions to life's challenges:

  • Call: 800.624.5544
  • App: Search for New Directions EAP

Support/Information Regarding Pregnancy


  • Some of the options listed above may be available to you if you are actively participating in a university sponsored program or activity on Sewanee's campus but you are not a current student or employee (an example would be if you are attending a summer camp or conference or other university program or activity). 
  • If you are attempting to participate in a university sponsored program or activity such as applying for a job opening or admission to the university, then it may be important to contact the EEO Office (eeo@sewanee.edu) to discuss what support options are available to you. 
  • Additional Support options are listed below:


Requesting University Support Measures

Participants, students, and employees seeking support measures should speak with the EEO Office or you have the option of speaking to the appropriate Dean of Students Office (for students), Program Director (for participants), or Human Resources/Dean of the College (for faculty/staff) who will evaluate and, if warranted, coordinate appropriate measures. It is always strongly encouraged that such measures be done in coordination with the EEO Director. As a reminder, students who are studying away or abroad should request support from the EEO Office or the program official at Sewanee or the University of the South's Dean of Students Office.

It is important to note that university officials may need to take protective measures to ensure a safe and nondiscriminatory environment even when the involved parties do not specifically request the measures. 

The specific support measures implemented and the process for implementing those measures will vary depending on the facts of each case. The EEO staff person and/or appropriate official will consider, among other factors: the specific need of the complainant or respondent; the severity or pervasiveness of the allegations; any continuing effects on the complainant or respondent; the age of those involved if they are a minor; and whether the complainant and respondent share the same office space, residence hall, class, athletic team, on-campus job location, etc. 

Support measures should provide continued access to education programs and may be implemented after consultation with the EEO Office and/or the complainant (or both involved parties, where applicable). 

When the complainant and respondent are students (undergrad or grad) or participants who are members of the same group, organization, or athletic team, the EEO Director or designee will consider ways to permit both students to continue participation. However when such compromise is not possible, the EEO Director or their designee have the discretion to determine whether an involved student can continue participation.

Reporting Violations of Support Measures to the University 

All individuals are encouraged to report concerns about the failure of another individual to abide by the provisions of a support measure to the EEO Director/Office. Failure to abide by restrictions imposed by a support measure may result in disciplinary action independent of the outcome of the EEO process.