All Training Materials
Looking for prior or recent Title IX Training Materials? Click below. Can't find what you are looking for? Contact Dr. Sylvia Gray directly at titleix@sewanee.edu
[CLICK HERE] for Troubleshooting Steps for any challenges you may experience. Please note that the system tracks if a user completes the training too slow or too quick. If this is detected, it may start you over.
Faculty and staff with routine relationships and access to students are required to report any concerns or direct information related to an allegation of sex discrimination, misconduct and/or violence. Faculty and staff are instructed annually of their requirement to report incidents and provided instructions on how and whom to report. New faculty and staff receive training as part of new employee or new faculty orientation, respectively. All employees receive training annually as of Advent (Fall) 2023.
Members of this group serve in various roles throughout a Title IX, Equity and Equal Opportunity, or Retaliation grievance process. Candidates can participate in a rolling application process.
Applications for service are accepted on a rolling basis; however, terms of service are annual (typically from July 1st to June 30th). Applicants are asked if they would like to renew their annual term in May of each year, so that training cohorts can be formed when possible. Training formats are both online and in-person. All members are cross-trained to serve in all roles when needed.
All students receive training from the same training platform - VECTOR SOLUTIONS. Students follow the same process as employees, but their access link is different. Students, like employees, are required to complete their required trainings within 60 days of their notice of training. Students must also sign in with their Sewanee credentials.
As a reminder, select student leadership groups (i.e. Athletes, Proctors, FYP Mentors, Orientation Leaders, PRE Mentors, SOP Ambassadors, STIX, The WICK Women's Center, Incoming Freshmen, All Active Greek Life Members, New Students Interested in Greek Rush, Transfer Students, and International Students) receive additional required Title IX training. All other students are given the opportunity to participate in regular Title IX training, education, and program experiences throughout the year.
Looking for prior or recent Title IX Training Materials? Click below. Can't find what you are looking for? Contact Dr. Sylvia Gray directly at titleix@sewanee.edu
Click the link below to find Protection of Minors Training.
The Title IX Office offers a variety of employee trainings. At this time, all trainings are completed via Zoom or online. Please complete any University required Title IX trainings within 30 days of hire.
Click below for more information on student Title IX trainings. Freshmen trainings are offered online via the Dean of Students Office and must be completed prior to arriving at Sewanee. All other student Title IX trainings are offered by the Title IX office or by approved student facilitators throughout the year. Student facilitators are approved by the Title IX Coordinator to administer peer-to-peer trainings to Sewanee students.