Camping on the Domain is limited to faculty, staff, alumni, leaseholders, and students except with express permission of the University. Students may camp anywhere on the Domain that is outside of central campus and at least 50 yards from a firelane and 100 yards from a residential lease. Any camper wishing to build a campfire must camp in one of the 9 developed camping sites on the Domain. More information and reservations for each site can be found by clicking on the site name below.

1. Developed Camping Locations:
- Campsite south of the Cross
- Cedar Hollow Lake
- Dotson’s Point
- King’s Farm
- The end of fire lane behind gates 5
- The end of fire lane behind gate 6.
- Lake Dimmick Camping point
- Audubon Lake
- Chestnut Lake
All firewood must be small enough to fit in the respective ring. No live trees may be cut for firewood. Do not bring firewood from other areas, firewood must come from Franklin and Marion Counties.
It is the camper’s responsibility to know if a fire ban is in effect. Questions are to be directed to the Sewanee Police Department (ext. 1111). Outside fires may require a permit from the TN Division of Forestry.
2. No permanent or semi-permanent structures may be built on the Domain.
3. Tent camping is prohibited around Lake Cheston.
4. The maximum group size allowed is 10 people without a permit. Smaller groups are encouraged. Camping is limited to 7 consecutive days.
5. With the exception of the areas listed above, no overnight camping is allowed within 50 yards of any trail or firelane or within 100 yards of any leasehold.
6. Gates may not be blocked or obstructed in any way. Campers desiring after hours access to Breakfield Road must reserve their campsites.
7. Carry out all garbage; leave a clean campsite with no evidence of your stay. Note: burning trash in fire rings is prohibited. Leave No Trace!
8. Use a cat hole (6-8 inches deep) 200 feet from water when disposing of human waste.
9. Camping equipment may not be left unattended for more than 24 hours.
10. No trees, timber, or vegetation of any kind may be cut and/or removed from the Domain. Collection of historic or archaeological artifacts of any kind is prohibited.