A new process to support positive change ideas of Sewanee colleagues.


The Center for Leadership, via the Idea Incubator, works with colleagues (faculty and staff) across campus to bring culture-shifting ideas to life. This four-step process supports and elevates new and innovative ideas to create positive change at Sewanee. While this is not a funding source, this is a process that supports and advocates for ideas to come to fruition. This new system enables colleagues to refine their ideas, create an actionable plan that works within the University, and engage resources to enable the project to flourish.


  1. Apply: Fill out this Idea Incubator Project Step #1: Project Application form . These simple questions will allow you to think through your project idea and prepare you for the next step.

  2. Plan: Meet with a “Project Guide,” a fellow colleague connected with the Center for Leadership who will help you develop your idea and determine your next steps.

  3. Act: Work directly with the Center for Leadership to connect you to people, funding, and other resources to elevate your idea. All project information and communications will be stored through Google Groups assigned to the project.

  4. Evaluate: Complete a post-project evaluation once the idea has launched. The Center will use this evaluation to measure the impact on Sewanee.

Current Projects

  • "Annual Awards/Recognition for Staff Colleagues"