Housing Accommodations Deadlines and Additional Requirements

Residential Life collaborates with Student Accessibility Services to coordinate housing accommodations for students with disabilities that impact one's living situation. To be considered for housing accommodations, the student must submit a SAS Intake Form, with supporting documentation, to SAS.  Please see the section on How to Apply for Accommodations for more information on getting registered with SAS.

Please consider the following when inquiring about Housing Accommodations; 

  • Any enrolled student who has a disability and would like to request special housing should submit an application for disability accommodations to SAS as quickly as possible.
  • In addition to filing an application for disability accommodation and submitting the supporting documentation, students must meet all housing deposit deadlines.
  • First-year and transfer students must submit the application for disability related housing accommodations and supporting documentation by June 1st.
  • Returning students must complete the application for disability related housing accommodations and supporting documentation by March 1st. 
  • Student who already have approved housing accommodations through SAS must renew them annually by completing the Accommodation Letter Request form by March 1st.  Example: For renewed housing accommodations for students should submit the form by March 1st. 
  • Sewanee will accept requests for reasonable housing accommodations at any time but such requests will be reviewed and considered according to the above due dates.  Due to Sewanee's limited inventory, the accommodation needs of students who miss the deadline or submit incomplete applications may not be able to be met during the requested semester.
  • If the need for accommodation arises when an individual already resides in housing, they should register with SAS to start the Housing Accommodation Process. Sewanee cannot guarantee that it will be able to meet the accommodation needs during the semester in which the request is received, but will make every reasonable effort. 
  • For a complete guide on the Housing Accommodation Process please click HERE

Students requesting housing accommodations are advised to contact Student Accessibility Services and submit Student Accessibility Services Intake Form along with supporting documentation as soon as possible. Students must always be mindful of housing deadlines, policies, and deposit requirements. Reasonable and appropriate accommodations depend upon the disability, the housing environment, and the steps necessary to create equal access for one's living situation. Requested accommodations need not be granted is it is deemed unreasonable if alternative accommodations are available, and/or if the student has already received a desired placement through the normal room assignment processes. 

Housing accommodations are provided on a case-by-case basis in accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, as amended in 2008.  To qualify, the student must have a current condition that substantially limits a major life activity, and the accommodation request must be necessary and reasonable.  A diagnosis, in and of itself, does not automatically qualify for accommodations. 

Please be advised that single rooms are reserved for individuals with specific living needs. The housing accommodation process considers access for living purposes only and not for other aspects of the college experience, such as studying. In general, diagnoses such as ADD/ADHD or Specific Learning Disability do not lend themselves to single-room accommodations.  A single room cannot guarantee a quiet environment. There are many options on campus where a student can study in an environment suitable for one's situation. We will evaluate each request on a case-by-case basis.

The provision of housing accommodations does not guarantee any request for a specific residence hall or theme housing. The University will make every attempt to provide the most appropriate housing assignment. Prompt submissions ensure adequate time to assess an accommodations request. Applications and documents received after housing deadlines may affect any assignment provided.  Implementation of housing accommodations is subject to available inventory at any given time.