25 years ago, Amanda spent her junior year abroad in Bamberg, Germany.  She met and fell in love with Andrew Cogar there, getting married 20 years ago with just their parents in attendance before he deployed to Iraq for a year in 2003.  Intending to have the wedding reception with family and friends at a later date, it finally happened in July 2023 when 125 people traveled to Bamberg for their 20th wedding anniversary celebration.  It was a magical day and worth the wait!    


Pictured from left to right are: 

Dominick Washington, Summer Martins (C’2000), Chris Boehme (C’1999), Katie Nard Boehme (C’2000), Russell Winch (partner to Mark Elberfeld, C’2000), Amanda McComb Cogar (C’2000), Andrew Cogar, Sarah Martins (C’1997), Melissa Habel (C’2002), Carolyn Bender (C’1999), Dena Kwasek (C’2002), Olivia Jones Choplain (C’2000), and Arnaud Choplain.