preparing to take a test

1. Find a quiet place where you will not be interrupted or distracted. Unless instructed by your professor, prepare to finish the test within a single sitting. Thus, make sure that you will not be disturbed.    


2. Check your connection to the internet. 


3. Make sure that your laptop is plugged in and charging.  

Beginning the test 

Open Brightspace in your web browser. (Generally, Chrome is the most compatible with Brightspace.) From the navigation bar, select “quizzes.” Unless specifically stated by the professor, quizzes and tests will be located in the “quizzes” section. To begin, select the proper quiz/test. 


You will be directed to a page that provides a description for the quiz/test. On this page, you will find the due date, time limit, and general instructions. 


Please note, if the quiz/test is timed, then you must complete it within the given time frame. For example, if a test must be
completed within 2 hours, then one who begins the test at 3:00pm must complete the test by 5:00pm. (Even if one closes one’s computer or logs out of Brightspace the quiz/test must be completed by 5:00pm.) Thus, be prepared to complete the quiz/test in a single sitting. To begin the test, select “start quiz.” 

Once the quiz/test has started, you may keep track of how much time remains and which questions you have completed. If a checkmark is displayed underneath the question’s number, then an answer has been entered. If two dash marks are displayed underneath the question’s number, then an answer has not been entered. (In this case, only questions 6 and 7 remain unanswered.)

Importantly, Brightspace will save your responses to questions as you work. However, unless you submit the test, your professor cannot view the responses. Therefore, despite the fact that your responses are saved, you must submit the quiz/test in order to receive a grade.  

Submitting the test

To submit a quiz/test on brightspace, select “submit quiz” and then select “yes.”


When directed to a new page, select “submit quiz.”

Only once you reach this confirmation page can you be certain that your quiz/test has been submitted. 

getting your feedback / grade

To view your feedback and grade on a quiz/test, select the course and then use the navigation bar to select “quizzes.” Then, next to the appropriate quiz/test, select “on attempt.”  


From this page, you will be able to view general feedback, feedback for specific questions, and your overall score. 

General feedback:

General feedback is located at the top of the page.


Feedback for specific questions:

To view feedback for individual questions, click the arrow underneath each question. 

Overall score on quiz/test:


The final grade is located at the bottom of the page.


Trouble with Testing?


Call: 931-598-1369