Spanish Culture and Civilization through the Visual Arts (SPAN 291A) and Medieval Spain through Visual Culture (SPAN 450 A)
1. My choice of mode of instruction has been: primarily in person for students studying on campus and online for those studying remotely. What I plan is to simulcast the classes, bringing on-campus and remote learners together in real time. We will take advantage of the WolfVision Cynap—a powerful collaboration and wireless presentation system—and a Planar touch screen monitor with built-in camera installed in the classrooms. These systems allow important interaction between the professor, the students present in the classroom and those remotely online.
Being courses focused on visual arts, the constant presence of images is fundamental. Besides being shown in classes, all of them will be uploaded and accessible to all students through Brightspace.
The required textbook for SPAN 291A (William D. Phillips, Jr. and Carla Rahn Phillips, A Concise History of Spain, Cambridge Concise Histories, 2010) will be available at the Sewanee Bookstore.
The required readings for SPAN 450A, more difficult to access, although present in DuPont Library, will be uploaded to Brightspace.
I plan to have office hours in person, at least four times per week, plus extra contacts by personal appointment when needed. Besides, I will also be available online at the same hours and on remote personal appointments.