Beginning in the 2021-22 academic year, students at Sewanee can minor in Rhetoric. Successful completion of the minor requires a total of five courses: the two required foundational courses and three additional 4-credit courses. These courses are listed below, as well as an indication of general education attributions.

Foundational Courses
RHET 101: Public Speaking
RHET 201: Introduction to Rhetoric (G1)

In addition, students are required to complete three additional courses, only one of which can be a lower-level course (100- or 200-level). All others must be at the 300- and 400-level.

Additional Courses

RHET 110: Argumentation and Debate
RHET 311: U.S. Public Address I: 1620-1865 (G1, G4)
RHET 312: U.S. Public Address II: 1865-Present (G1, G4)
RHET 321: Rhetoric in the Ancient World (G1, G4)
RHET 331: Voices of American Women (G7)
RHET 351: Intercultural and Cross-Cultural Communication (G7)

RHET 341: Rhetoric of Mass and Social Media
RHET 401: Speakers’ Rights and Responsibilities
RHET 411: Rhetoric in the Age of Protest I: 1948-1973
RHET 412: Rhetoric in the Age of Protest II: 1973-present
RHET 431: Public Dialogue and Deliberation

RHET 440: Directed Research and Writing 
RHET 444: Independent Study
RHET 491: Topics  

Note: The two-credit course for training Center for Speaking & Listening tutors (RHET 220: Teaching Speaking & Listening) will not count as one of the five courses required to complete the minor.