The Summer 2024 issue of the South Atlantic Review features two articles by Sewanee English Faculty. 

Stephanie L. Batkie (Teaching Associate Professor of English) has authored an essay entitled,  "Suspended Animation: Reading the Correlative Verse Tradition in Sidney’s Arcadia"; and Bill Engel (the Nick B. Williams Professor of Literature) has published an essay entitled “Chiastic Patterns, Number Symbolism, and Marian Echoes in Chaucer."

To access these articles, please click here.

Both articles were co-edited by Associate Professor of English Ross Macdonald .

The South Atlantic Review (SAR), was established in 1935 as the official journal of the South Atlantic Modern Language Association. Published quarterly, SAR is concerned with the study of language, literature, rhetoric, and composition, and other topics of scholarly interest in the humanities.

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