Transferring to Sewanee is a unique experience, and we are excited to welcome you during Orientation.

Students transferring to Sewanee for the Advent 2024 schedule will participate in New Student Orientation with all new students from August 24-27, 2024. While all of the programming in New Student Orientation is important, there are a few sessions specific for transfer students in the summer and fall.

Date & Time

Open Office Hours with the Registrar
Join a Zoom call to talk with a member of the Registrar's Office staff to talk about your transfer credits.


Transfer Student Welcome Dinner
Join returning students who previously transferred to Sewanee for dinner and conversation.

Sunday, August 25
6 - 7 p.m.
McClurg Dining Hall
ABC Room, Second Floor

Transfer Student Photo
Get your traditional class photo taken before signing the Honor Code.

Tuesday, August 27
9 a.m.
All Saints' Chapel

Orientation Schedule | New Student Checklist | What to Bring

Helpful Information

Admissions Information

The Office of Admission provides support to transfer applicants from the start of your transfer process through enrollment at Sewanee. Reach out to them with any questions about your application, financial aid, or completing the enrollment process.