Purpose, Goals, & Timeline

Performance reviews for all continuing employees with staff appointments are conducted University-wide once per year via our Collaborative Review process. The process is generally conducted in early spring to align with the annual budget development process.

The review process's primary purpose is for each staff member and their direct supervisor to reflect on previous goals and set objectives for the upcoming year so that each is better equipped to fulfill the purpose and goals of their position in order for the University to acheive its purpose and goals. The primary goal is to collaboratively focus on the ongoing development of each staff member with the supervisor playing an integrated role in the journey. Helping staff achieve their purpose requires that staff understand how their work fits into the overall goals of the organization. Therefore, as part of the review process, University and departmental goals are shared with each person. Staff members are also asked to review their goals from the previous review period and set new goals for the review period to come.


Review Document Versions

Two versions (one designed for staff members in administrative positions where goals often change periodically and another designed for staff members in service departments where goals don't often change periodically) of the review document are available for selection each staff member's supervisor. 

completing the review

  1. Each staff member should initiate their own Collaborative Review during the annual process by completing their portion of the version of the review document selected by their supervisor by stating their previous goals, accomplishments, new goals, supervisor support needed, and training desired. 
  2. The supervisor completes the second section of the collaborative review document by stating their support given to the staff member, any accolades and/or concerns they may have regarding the staff member, and any actions needed to be taken. 
  3. The supervisor schedules and conducts a meeting to review the dually-completed document and where each may discuss the items detailed within the collaborative review document.
  4. At the conclusion of the review meeting, the staff member and supervisor will sign the document to acknowledge the completion of the review process. 
  5. Each staff member and their supervisor should retain a signed copy of their review document. 
  6. A signed document should be scanned (or provided in hard copy form) to the Office of Human Resources which will store each document electronically.
  7. If desired, the supervisor’s supervisor, department head and/or division head signature may also be required to review and sign the form after a copy has been scanned to human resources.