Where relationships are foundational to all that we do.

“It’s through relationships that we learn best and grow best.” – Fred Rogers


Bonner students at Sewanee are a group of dedicated and engaged individuals working collaboratively for positive social change.

The Bonner Program is a four-year, service and leadership based college paid internship program that affords students an "opportunity to serve."  The program is designed to transform not only the students who are directly supported by the program, but also the campus and community in which they serve and learn. 

Why Be A Bonner?

Find your place, build your skills and confidence, learn what impact your life can make. 

    • Be part of a community of over 70 student leaders at Sewanee
    • Immerse yourself in a culture of curiosity, inclusivity, intentionality, and growth
    • Gain work experience and skill building, while being paid to work 10 hours each week 
    • Potential to work with over thirty community partners
    • Participate in workshop training for leadership skills (e.g. communication and dialogue skills, perspective taking, asset-mapping, civic agency) and contextual understanding (e.g. place-based and issue knowledge, and knowledge of identities, structures, power and privilege)
    • Go deeper connecting theory and practice through reflections
    • Connect academic learning to your Bonner experience. Bonners will take CIVC200: Introduction to Community Engagement in the fall of their freshman year. This course serves as the introductory for the Certificate for Community Engagement & Collaborative Change, though Bonners are not required to complete the certificate.

How to Apply?

Students who have been admitted to Sewanee may apply for the program during the Spring of their senior year of high school. For more information on how to apply and important details click the link below.

Community Partner Service Sites

Check out where Bonners are serving this year!

Hear Bonner Leader Stories