Sewanee students, faculty members, and even residents tend to greet one another on the street even if they are complete strangers. You’ll find it pretty hard to make it from your residence hall to the dining hall without exchanging at least a few passing hellos!

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Welcome to The Passing Hello, Sewanee's new admission podcast. Through this podcast, we look forward to having conversations around all things Sewanee - including the admission process, academics, and campus life. Be sure to subscribe and listen!

Welcome to the Domain

Aug. 19, 2024
With a history as rich as ours, tradition means a lot here at Sewanee. From signing the Honor Code on one of your first days on the Mountain, to celebrating Commencement by stepping on the University seal, tradition is an integral part of everyday life on the Domain. Hear from current student Kostas Andriotis and your host, Elizabeth Konradi, C’23, as they share their favorite traditions, explore how they have evolved over time, and how you, as a future student, can participate!

Sewanee Outing Program

Sept. 17, 2024
With almost 13,000 acres of hiking trails, caves, lakes, and cliffs, Sewanee offers a one-of-a-kind environment for learning and exploration. Not quite ready to tackle that rock climbing or caving trip solo? Join Sewanee Outing Program Director John Benson to hear all about how the SOP staff gives students the chance to explore the Domain, the surrounding region, and wilderness areas across the United States, how you can get involved, and how we gain a greater appreciation for the natural world around us.


Oct. 15, 2024
Academics at Sewanee go far beyond the classroom. Want to know more? Listen to our podcast episode featuring Interim Dean of the College Betsy Sandlin as she shares her thoughts on the classroom experience at Sewanee, the value of a liberal arts education, and how the Sewanee Pledge supports students throughout their time on the Mountain.

Community Engagement at Sewanee

Nov. 19, 2024
“Dwelling together in unity” is a big deal here, which is why it’s in our University motto. And this idea extends far beyond the gates of our campus. Learn about the ways in which Sewanee students are making an impact in our community and the surrounding areas. Hear from the Office of Civic Engagement on how getting involved—from partnerships with local organizations to the Bonner Leaders Program—helps students grow personally and professionally. 

Considering Spirituality, Faith, and Religion

Dec. 17, 2024
Founded and governed by the Episcopal Church, Sewanee is a university shaped by faith. However, believing at Sewanee includes a multitude of spiritualities, faiths, and religions. In such a diverse community, All Saints’ Chapel serves as a meeting and gathering space for everyone, working to support the spiritual inquiry and practice of all students, not just those who identify as Episcopalian.

Check out this podcast to hear from our staff in All Saints’ about how Sewanee helps students blend spiritual and intellectual growth, foster inclusive communities, live out their faith, and lead purposeful lives.

Visit the Mountain

Jan. 21, 2025
For many prospective students, the campus tour is key to finding the right school. It’s a chance to picture yourself on a particular college campus and start imagining your life there. At Sewanee, we offer a variety of tour options to help you do just that. Join our campus visit expert, Laura Beth Merrell, as she breaks down the different visit types, accommodations, and how to register for your tour today!

Dining on the Domain

Feb. 18, 2025
Eating on campus doesn’t mean you have to forgo your favorite international dishes or your healthy eating regimen. There’s something new and nutritious available every day. From the locally sourced options in McClurg Dining Hall, to Stirling’s Coffee House, to the restaurants and cafes of the Sewanee Village, there is something for everyone. In this episode, hear from our dining hall staff to learn the ins and outs of dining at Sewanee and all we do to make you feel at home. 

Greek Life on the Mountain

March 18, 2025
Did you know that nearly 70% of Sewanee students are members of a fraternity or sorority? In this episode, we’ll discuss the role and prevalence of Greek organizations on campus, what rush looks like, and how these groups enhance student life. Hear about their philanthropic efforts, how Sewanee ensures inclusivity, and some standout traditions. Plus, get insights into the resources available for students interested in joining. Tune in for a closer look at how Greek life contributes to the Sewanee experience!

Residential Life

April 15, 2025
Almost 99% of Sewanee’s student population lives in campus residence halls, so our Residential Life staff are skilled in forming communities and making all of our students feel at home on the Domain. Hear about how our staff present various housing options to students, train student leaders, and foster a welcoming environment in the dorms.

Young Alumni

May 20, 2025
With a liberal arts education, your major doesn’t always define your career path. Whether you’ll end up in a boardroom or a graduate classroom (or somewhere in between), Sewanee will empower you with the resources necessary to develop professionally, to leverage competencies,, and to make the connections that will successfully launch your early career journey. Tune in to hear more about the opportunities that await you beyond the gates. 

Global Citizenship at Sewanee

June 17, 2025
Through the Sewanee Pledge, more than 100 different study abroad programs, and international dialogue in the classroom, our students are equipped to engage with others across the globe and face the challenges of the modern world with a global perspective. Hear from our Office of Global Citizenship about how you can study language and culture in Spain, learn about the environment in Ecuador, or take your economics classes in England!

Summer in Sewanee

July 15, 2025
From the arts to scientific fieldwork to creative writing, Sewanee’s pre-college programs give high school students a taste of life on the Domain during one of the most beautiful times of the year. Hear about the various programs offered over the summer, including the Sewanee Young Writers’ Conference and the Sewanee Environmental Institute—and start making your summer plans now!