Welcome to the University's Cybersecurity Awareness Training. This training is located in our D2L/Brightspace, our learning management system. Once you have access, you will (1) take a pre-test, (2) watch a series of videos, and (3) acknowledge your cybersecurity and computer use responsibilities as a member of the University community. Use the instructions below to get started in Brightspace with our cybersecurity training.

Questions? Concerns? Contact our IT helpdesk:

login to d2l/brightspace

To get started, proceed to the following link to access Brightspace:

From this page, login with your single sign-on University credentials:

Click on the cybersecurity awareness training course

Once you've logged into D2L/Brightspace, click on the Cybersecurity Awareness Training course from either the course browser, or the My Courses widget on the homepage:

find the training modules

From the Cybersecurity Awareness Training course homepage, read the instructions posted on the front page, and then click on CONTENT at the top to begin the training:

begin the required training

From the Content menu, click on the first module on the left hand side to begin the required cybersecurity awareness training:

complete the required training (pre-test and videos)

Choose your preferred language from the pull-down menu and click continue:

Choose to complete the "PreCheck", which will ask you questions and allow you to skip training content that you don't need to know:

After completing the pre-check, click on and watch all the remaining videos displayed:

complete and acknowledge your responsibilities

After watching all of the videos displayed, proceed back to the module selection screen using Content in the navigation bar:

From Content, click on the second Module entitled "University Policies and Acknowledgement of Responsibilities (Required)". Read both PDF documents defining the University's Acceptable Use Policy and Information Security Policy, and then click on the quiz to acknowledge you have read these:

From the quiz screen, scroll down to the bottom and click the blue Start Quiz button:

After answering the questions, be sure to Submit Quiz at the bottom of the page:

complete! / Optional modules

Once you've submitted your quiz, your cybersecurity awareness training is complete! Additionally, you may click Content in the navigation bar again and make use of the optional modules which provide additional training on cybersecurity in your personal life:

Questions? Concerns? Contact our IT helpdesk: