Sewanee’s Psychology community welcomes all members, from the psych-curious to the newly declared major to the graduating senior. Discover the many ways to connect with other students, interact with faculty, engage with social and professional networks, and contribute to your local and global communities.

Psychology Brightspace

Interested in pursuing a degree in psychology, or just psych-curious? Our Brightspace page is filled with valuable resources, tips, and ways to get involved in our community. Sewanee students can join automatically -- just click “Discover” and type “Psychology” into the search box.

Psychology Student Programming Board

The Psychology Student Programming Board promotes psychology on campus and in the local community. Members coordinate social activities, professional development panels, movie nights, and faculty colloquia. Everyone is welcome.


Sewanee houses a local chapter of Psi Chi: The International Honor Society in
Psychology. New members are invited to apply each spring; induction is held in early May.


Sewanee is a designated peer review site for the undergraduate neuroscience journal IMPULSE. IMPULSE publishes scholarly reviews and research papers written by undergraduates like yourselves. As a peer review site, Sewanee students can serve as anonymous reviewers for papers submitted to IMPULSE to be considered for publication.

We’re looking for students who are interested in joining our IMPULSE peer review team!

This experience provides:

- A sense of neuroscience research being done in labs at other universities

- A better understanding of the peer review process

- A way to hone your logic, critical thinking, and writing skills

- A way to encourage and promote good, sound science being done in the world

You do not need to be a neuroscience major or minor – just neuro-interested! For more information, please contact Dr. Cammack, Faculty Advisor for Sewanee’s peer review team, at

Sewanee at Yale

A diverse collection of innovative collaborations between Sewanee and the Yale Child Study Center combine the unique strengths of these two institutions, offering tremendous possibilities for students, faculty, and community partners both on the South Cumberland Plateau and in New Haven. Our cross-institutional collaborations include courses, research projects, and community engagement efforts that continue to expand and evolve, with many opportunities for involvement and new initiatives.