Alexandra Kirtley Museum Talk

Friday, February 21, 2025
Gailor Hall 130

Alexandra Kirtley, Montgomery-Garvan Curator of American Decorative Arts at the Philadelphia Museum of Art, will be meeting with students on Friday, February 21, at 1:00 p.m., in Gailor Hall 130.

She will discuss her work as a curator as well as the range of career possibilities that exist within art museums. She will also discuss the many ways in which an art history major is useful in one's life "beyond the gates"! 

All are welcome!

Dr. Miller Speaks at Denver Art Museum

On February 25, Dr. Alison Miller gave a talk on the 19th c literati artist Noguchi Shohin as part of the symposium Gender and Voice in Japanese Art, held at the Denver Art Museum in conjunction with the exhibition Her Brush: Japanese Women Artists. She also contributed an essay to the digital catalogue.


Professor Pradip Malde has been named a visiting artist at the University of Louisiana at Lafayette in 2023.

Industry and Institutions: Woodblock Prints and the Meiji Cultural Imagination

Tuesday, Nov 8 at 4:00

Dr. Alison J Miller will provide an introduction to Japanese woodblock prints of the 1870s and 1880s with a focus on how the images worked to create and reinforce social conceptions of Meiji values and ideals. Note: Advance registration is required

Dr. Miller Awarded Fellowship

Assistant Professor of Art History Alison Miller has been awarded a Sainsbury Fellowship for Spring 2023. This award will require her to be in England for six months at the Sainsbury Institute for the Study of Japanese Arts and Cultures at the University of East Anglia. This is a great opportunity and a highly prestigious award in the field of Japanese art history.

Guarisco Scholarship Awarded

Emma Ross-Sermons, a junior Art History major from Johnson City, Tennessee, has been awarded the Guarisco Merit Award in Art History for 2022-23. A generous gift from the Guarisco family for majors seeking a degree in Art and Art History at Sewanee, this prestigious award covers full-tuition for the senior year and supports summer travel for research and internship opportunities. Many congratulations to Emma!


Igarashi Lecture

Dr. Yoshikuni Igarashi, Professor of History at Vanderbilt University delivered a lecture entitled Are we Allowed to see Beauty in the Face of Death and Destruction?: Ishiuchi Miyako's 'Hiroshima' and postwar Japan on March 30 in Gailor Auditorium.  The event was sponsored by the Department of Art, Art History, and Visual Studies; the Department of History; the Asian Studies Program, and the Women's & Gender Studies Program.