Announcements & Updates

The lease committee normally meets monthly; routine matters may be approved between meetings by the superintendent of leases. The lease committee may conduct its business through electronic means, including email, in lieu of holding a meeting. Previously scheduled meetings may be rescheduled at the lease office’s discretion. 

All proposed agenda items, including requests to transfer leases, must be submitted to the lease office by the 5th of each month.  If the 5th falls on a weekend, agenda items are due in the lease office the following Monday.  Items submitted after the 5th of the month will be placed on the next agenda.  If your lease is located within the downtown planning zone, it is possible that the review process, which includes review by the planner, could take two months to process. 

Those requesting a lease transfer must allow at least four (4) weeks after lease committee approval to close the transaction in order for the Lease Office to have sufficient time to order surveys, allow time for documents to be reviewed by the lender, etc.  The four (4) weeks does not include the day of the Lease Committee meeting.  The committee will not approve a contract with a shorter closing date.

Application and Checklist for Lease Committee Agenda Proposal



  • January 21
  • February 18
  • March 18
  • April 15
  • May 20
  • June 17
  • July 15
  • August 19
  • September 16
  • October 21
  • November 18
  • December 16
Lease Committee Members


Property Disclosures
  • A signed University Disclosure Form and a completed Buyer Information Form must accompany the contract when requesting a transfer of a lease (we no longer require an introductory/cover letter).
  • All transfers must be approved by the Lease Committee, which normally meets once a month. 
  • Once a buyer is approved by the committee, the lease office requires at least four weeks until transfer documents are available. 
  • Lenders, appraisers, etc., may require additional time and it is the buyer's (or their representatives) responsibility to ensure that the closing date in the contract allows adequate time for all parties to prepare for the closing.