Consider these readings as you prepare for your student to arrive at Sewanee.
The college experience is one that is meant to be both challenging and rewarding for your student. Helping your student navigate college may require new things from you as a supportive family member. The readings on this list were selected by Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS) at the Wellness Commons to share research and guidance for how best to support your student through their first year and beyond. While none are required, we suggest checking out one or two (or more!) prior to your student's arrival on campus and through their first semester.
We also recommend reading Starting the Conversation: College and Your Mental Health, a guide that is intended to help families have important conversations about mental health before students leave for college. It explains the laws and rules around privacy and parental notification, and encourages discussion about how students can keep their parents informed.
You may also be interested in reading some letters crafted by Dr. Sherry Hamby, Research Professor of Psychology at the University of the South. In both a letter to her teenage daughter and a letter to her teenage son, Dr. Hamby reviews some important talking points and key research findings that can assist all parents in opening a conversation about sexual assault with their college-bound children.