FAQs for Students | FAQs for Parents & Families
Have a question we haven't answered? Email us at newstudentorientation@sewanee.edu

FAQs for Students

When do I move in? Can I move in early?
New students move in to their residence halls at different times depending upon the programs they are participating in. Some students move in early if they are varsity athletes, participating in First-Year Experience (FYE) or PRE, or are international students. All other students move in on the first day of Orientation. Questions about move in can be directed to the Office of Residential Life at reslife@sewanee.edu

Is Orientation mandatory?
Participation in New Student Orientation is required for all incoming students to the University to ensure students have the information they need to be successful at Sewanee. The required activities include educational sessions about University policies and procedures, meetings with your academic advisor, and introduction to the Domain. In addition to the required sessions, there are optional activities to help you meet other new students and learn more about particular topics of interest to you including interest sessions for the pre-professional programs.

How long is Orientation?
New Student Orientation occurs in the four days prior to start of classes in the Advent semester. Sessions begin at 2 p.m. on the first day. You can find the full schedule for Orientation here.

I'm a varsity athlete. Will I be excused from Orientation?
Varsity athletes are still expected to participate in Orientation programs. The New Student Orientation team works with Sewanee Athletics including the coaches to make sure that the schedules for practice and Orientation are well coordinated. 

When will I meet my Orientation Leader?
Orientation Leaders (OLs) are assigned a group of students to guide through Orientation and serve as a mentor during their Sewanee experience. OLs will reach out to their group a couple of days prior to the start of Orientation to introduce themselves.

FAQs for Parents & Families

Am I required to attend orientation with my student?
No. Only students are required to attend and participate in Orientation activities. However, the Office of Alumni and Parent Relations will have an orientation for parents on the first day of Orientation. We hope to meet you later in the term at Family Weekend or another event if you are unable to attend.

My student is moving in before the first day of orientation for an early program. Should I return for orientation activities?
Each family should determine what is best for them. Some families do return while others join us for other events for families including Family Weekend, Sewanee Club events, and online parent orientation sessions.

I am planning to attend the Parent Orientation session. How do I register?
All Orientation guests should register with the Office of Alumni and Parent Relations to help us plan for your attendance. Information about registration will be sent to you via email over the summer.