Summer Faculty Research Stipend funds are intended for use by faculty who are completing projects and preparing for publication, exhibition, or performance and are paid as personal compensation.

Summer Faculty Research Stipend funds are intended for use by faculty who are completing projects and preparing work for publication, exhibition, or performance and are paid as personal compensation. As noted in the APPLICATION FORM, which will be released at a later date, faculty should specify the amount of support they are requesting (at the rate of $1000 per week and with a maximum request of $8000) and submit a project narrative, description of expected outcomes, detailed work plan, and plans for dissemination.


These stipends are to cover work done “at home,” like writing and preparing works for exhibition or performance. If your project includes traveling or other research-specific expenses excluding personal compensation, you should apply for a Research Grant to cover those costs. Summer Stipend funds may not be used for writing external grants. Contact Pollyanne Frantz in the Sponsored Research Office ( to learn about opportunities for external grant writing support.


The University Research Grants Committee will evaluate proposals based on this rubric and make recommendations to the Dean of the College. While the committee will review all applications, tenured and tenure-track faculty members will have priority over funds in cases where proposals of equal quality are under consideration. Faculty members may receive a maximum of two (2) Summer Stipends in one five-year period, though preference will be given to those who have never received one. As with other internal grants, stipend recipients must submit a post-award report to the Dean’s Office.


Complete applications must be submitted by 11:59 p.m. on Friday, January 17, 2025.  Award decisions will be announced in February. Please direct questions to Interim Dean Betsy Sandlin, Kerry Ginger, or Brittany Vaughan.