
The grant is awarded to a politics major or minor who demonstrates financial need. A student may apply for the grant more than once, but other qualified students will be given priority over students who have previously received a grant. It can be used for any of the following purposes. 

  1. Research costs for projects during the school year (e.g., data access)
  2. Travel costs to an academic conference where the student presents a paper
  3. Travel to summer internships, contingent on the student also applying for other university internship funding such as Tonya Public Affairs funding.
  4. Summer courses abroad led by a Sewanee professor
  5. Summer research costs (travel and supplies, but not stipends)
  6. Attendance at experiential learning conferences, if the conference is part of a course (e.g., Mock Trial, Model UN)

Students seeking grants for domestic experiences may apply for up to $500, while those engaged in international experiences may apply for up to $750.

Application Process

Applications are due by 5 pm, March 15, 2023 (Wednesday)

The application should be compiled as ONE PDF file.

If applying in Fall 2022-2023, please send to Rae Manacsa ( of the Department of Politics.

  1. Cover sheet with basic information (name, year in school, contact information, etc.) (Dugan Education and Research Grant Application Cover Sheet)
  2.  Preliminary budget (1/2 page)
  3.  Signed statement agreeing to meet the below-listed requirements of the grant. 
  4. Two-page (double-spaced) proposal which explains 
  • The specific project for which the grant will be used
  • The anticipated product/outcome (conference paper; research project; internship project)
  • Additional funding for which the individual has applied (e.g., Tonya)
Requirements for Grant Awardees
  1. Completing the product/outcome (e.g., paper presentation, internship, research project)
  2. Writing a thank you note to the donor
  3. Providing the department with a descriptive paragraph and photo (or photos) about the experience which can be placed on bulletin boards and the department website