Question Answer
Will I get a notification after I submit my application? Yes, the Leaves Committee chair will send you an email acknowledging receipt of a complete application.
How will I know if my application is incomplete? If your application is incomplete, you will receive an email from the Leaves Committee chair notifying you of the missing element(s). 
After successfully submitting a complete application, when will I hear back from the Leaves Committee? You will only hear back from the Leaves Committee if, upon review of your leave proposal, the committee finds some elements of your proposal need to be clarified and revised. In this case, the committee chair will contact you through email and communicate the committee’s questions and suggestions for revision.  
How will I know that my leave application has been approved? You will receive a communication from the Dean of the College to let you know if your sabbatical leave proposal has been approved.  
When will I know that my sabbatical leave has been approved?  This is not a question the committee can answer since the administration grants the sabbatical leave approval.
Who can help me by providing examples of how a leave proposal should look like? Given the diversity of academic disciplines, we encourage you to reach out to your department chairs and your department colleagues for guidance and specific examples of writing their proposal application in your respective discipline.


Have a question not answered here?
Contact the leaves committee chair or the Dean of the College.