Dean's List

To qualify for the Dean’s List, a student must have a semester average of 3.625 or higher after completing a semester with credit for at least three and one-half academic courses, at least three of which were taken for a grade. This list is published each semester by the Office of the Dean of the College.

Dean's Scholars

Developed by Dean Papillon to recognize the top academic achievers of the graduating class, this year’s award was given to five graduates of the College.

Order of the Gown

Among Sewanee’s many customs, none perhaps is more distinctive than the wearing of the gown by students and faculty. The Order of the Gown (OG) was established in 1873, and students who are members of the OG have worn the gown as a badge of academic distinction ever since. The OG remains the oldest and premier branch of the student government.

Graduation Honors

The College recognizes students whose academic performance throughout their tenure at Sewanee has been truly exemplary. For specifics about such academic recognition, including graduating with honors, see Degrees with Honors, Valedictorian, and Salutatorian.

Phi Beta Kappa

Members are elected on the basis of high scholarship, good moral character, and vital interest in the educational progress of the college.