Faculty Opportunities

Standing Committees

University and College committees are a great way to get involved in our shared governance. Committees cover everything from the curriculum to budget priorities to admissions and beyond. The Coordinating Committee works with the Dean of the College to organize and disseminate committee work.

Working groups, task forces, advisory boards, and student groups

In addition to standing committees, there are various working groups and task forces organized on an ad hoc basis around particular initiatives or projects (e.g., the quality enhancement plan, strategic enrollment planning, and environmental justice). Several offices and programs, like the Center for Teaching and Office of Civic Engagement have advisory boards made up of faculty and staff. In addition, student organizations often invite faculty and staff to be their group advisor. 

Staff Opportunities

Staff Partnership Council

Charge: to facilitate effective communication between staff members and senior administrative staff. The Council does not have policy-making powers. As partners in the mission and life of the University, the Council seeks to foster positive interaction and communication. The Council is comprised of staff representatives from each division/department. 

Staff Trustees

Two staff members, one exempt and one non-exempt, are elected to serve on the Board of Trustees. The Board is comprised of individuals from each of the 27 Dioceses of the Episcopal Church that own, support, and control the University. The Board of Trustees elects and appoints a Board of Regents, a Chancellor, a Vice-Chancellor, and a Chaplain to serve the University and govern matters related to the Charter, the Constitution, and the University Domain.