TITLE VI IS ABOUT Discrimination in Programs or Activities

No person in the United States shall, on the ground of race, color, or national origin, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any program or activity receiving Federal financial assistance
These efforts are achiEved at sewanee through the framework of compliance, prevention, and resources (c.p.r.)

Title VI Compliance

  • Title VI Coordinator and Staff [CLICK HERE]
  • Understanding Title VI: [25 minute video]
  • Title VI Fact Sheet [CLICK HERE]
  • Title VI Training [CLICK HERE]
    • See your VECTOR Dashboard or VECTOR Supplemental Library for a training titled "Title VI Overview." Please contact eeo@sewanee.edu to request additional or specific Title VI Training. 
  • Agency Specific Title VI Regulations [CLICK HERE]
    • Title VI Agency: Department of Education Coordination and Compliance [CLICK HERE]
  • Title VI Enforcement Guidelines [CLICK HERE]
  • Title VI Coordination and Guidelines [CLICK HERE]

Title vi prevention

  • The Office of Inclusive Excellence helps to coordinator cultural awareness programs for specific to students [CLICK HERE]
  • The Office of Equity and Equal Opportunity helps to coordinate programming for faculty, staff, and the campus community. [CLICK HERE]
  • The Division of DEI reviews the Racial Climate at Sewanee at three years on a rotation of students, faculty, and staff. 

Title VI Resources

  • Contact the Title VI Coordinator below to discuss resources and or support
  • Title VI Grievances and Resources [CLICK HERE]
    • Use the resources found in the link for additional support [CLICK HERE]