Before you can truly call Sewanee your new home, there are a few important things you'll need to do.

Log in to your Applicant Status Page to begin working on your Enrollment Checklist and ensure that you're ready for a great first year. The checklist will go live in late February—make sure you’ve submitted your deposit—and new tasks will be added through August. Below is an overview of the tasks you will find on your checklist. Welcome to Sewanee!


New Student Checklist

Activate Your Sewanee Username

You’ll use your username and password to check your new Sewanee email address, connect to the campus Wi-Fi network, and more.

Available on your Applicant Status Page starting Feb. 15. Due May 9.

Activate Your Sewanee Email

After setting up your Sewanee username, you’ll be able to access your Sewanee email account. We’ll use this address to send you information about required forms, deadlines, and opportunities you won’t want to miss, so be sure to check your email regularly.

Available on your Applicant Status Page starting Feb. 15. Due May 9.

Update Your Contact Information

In the event of an emergency or another urgent need, we want to make sure that we can quickly communicate with you and/or your family. Use the contact and communication form to confirm or update your contact information (e.g. phone number, address, etc.).

Available on your Applicant Status Page starting Feb. 15. Due May 9.

Complete Your Academic Inventory Form

Take the first step in the course selection process by completing the academic inventory form. The form will ask you to share some information about the classes you took in high school, including any AP and/or IB courses, and the programs that most interest you as a potential major.

Available on your Applicant Status Page starting Feb. 15. Due May 9.

Take Your Language Placement Test

Most students will take a non-English language course in their first semester at Sewanee, as part of the general education requirement. After we’ve received your academic inventory form, we’ll share the placement test(s) for the language(s) that you studied prior to coming to Sewanee. The advising team will use the results to place you in the right language course to ensure your academic success.

Language placement exams are available on your Applicant Status Page one day after completing your academic inventory form. Due May 9.

Sign Up for Housing

Fill out your living form to tell us about your housing preferences. The Residential Life team will read what you share, match you with a roommate, and place you in a campus residence hall. 

Your housing assignment will be sent to you later this summer (on or around July 20). In the meantime, check out our answers to these common questions to learn more about living on campus. Not sure what to bring with you? We made this list of suggestions to help you out.

Available on your Applicant Status Page starting Feb. 24. Due May 9.

Accept Financial Responsibility

In order to participate in course registration, you must first review and accept the University’s financial responsibility statement. You will find instructions for doing this on your Applicant Status Page. If you have any questions about what this statement means for you and your family, contact the Treasurer’s Office at

Available on your Applicant Status Page in April. Due May 9.

Register for a Pre-Semester Program (Optional)

Can’t wait to begin your Sewanee experience? Consider attending one of Sewanee’s remarkable programs: First Year Experience (FYE) or Pre-orientation (PRE). Because these programs are very popular and spaces in them are limited, begin exploring your options now so you’re ready when registration opens!

Available on your Applicant Status Page in April. 
Registration forms for FYE are due in June. 
Registration for PRE will remain open until all spots are filled.

Submit Your Health Form

You’ll need to submit the required health form to University Health Services before arriving on campus. The form must be completed by a licensed medical professional, so go ahead and make an appointment with your doctor—you don’t want to run out of time later in the summer!

Available on your Applicant Status Page in May. Due July 15.

Send AP/IB Scores and Dual-Enrollment Transcripts

In addition to sending your final high school transcript to Sewanee, be sure to send in official score reports and/or official transcripts for AP, IB, GCE A-Level, or dual-enrollment college credit to the Office of the University Registrar. (Your high school guidance counselor can’t do this for you; this action must be completed by you.) 


Please request your official scores be sent to Sewanee as soon as possible. (Photographs are not permitted.) To see if/how your AP, IB or GCE A-Level credit will be accepted at Sewanee, please click here.


You must request an official transcript be sent directly from the college or university granting the credit to the Office of the University Registrar at Sewanee. (Your high school counselor can’t do this for you.) Credit will only be given if the Office of the University Registrar has received an official college transcript. The Office of the University Registrar is separate from the Office of Admission and must receive it directly.

Official transcripts should be sent to Sewanee's Registrar by June 9 at the address below to ensure accurate course registration for the upcoming semester. Electronic transcripts sent directly from the college or university are also accepted.

Office of the University Registrar
Sewanee: The University of the South
735 University Avenue
Sewanee, TN 37383-1000

Please note the maximum number of transfer credit guidelines.

Plan for Fall Registration

Use the course selection form to let us know some classes you are interested in taking in your first semester. The advising team will use the information you share to construct your final schedule of four classes (16 credits) for the fall semester.

Available on your Applicant Status Page starting June 4. Due June 30.

Order Your Sewanee Student ID

Your student ID is your pass to enter your residence hall, eat at McClurg Dining Hall, work out at the Fowler Center, and more! Use the form on your Applicant Status Page to submit a picture of yourself, and we’ll have your ID card printed and ready to pick up with your room key when you arrive on campus for move-in.

Available on your Applicant Status Page in May. Due June 30.

Join Us for a Summer Transition-to-College Session

Throughout the summer, Student Success & Career Readiness will offer virtual sessions for students, parents, and different affinity groups focused on tools and resources Sewanee offers to support you in your transition to and flourishing in college.

Sessions will take place throughout the summer. Be on the lookout for additional information about registering to participate!

Connect with Your Student Success & Career Readiness Coach

Look for a text from your student success and career readiness coach—they'll be supporting you in your transition to college and throughout your four years at Sewanee. They can answer any questions you have over the summer.

Have intentional conversations about your transition to college

Transitioning to college can be exhilarating—and extremely challenging. Share this resource with your parents, guardian, and/or family to prompt some valuable conversations about what to expect.

Participate in Virtual Summer Orientation Sessions

Your welcome to Sewanee begins before you even set foot on campus! We’ve put together a series of videos and virtual engagements to help introduce you to life at Sewanee. To make sure you get the most out of your in-person orientation experience in August, be sure to review all of the virtual content before you arrive on campus!

Available on your Applicant Status Page in June. Due August 18.

Register Your Car and/or Bicycle

Planning to have a car and/or bicycle on campus for the school year? Make sure to fill out the registration form before you arrive.

Available on your Applicant Status Page in August.

Attend In-Person New Student Orientation

From Saturday, Aug. 23, to Tuesday, Aug. 26, join the rest of your new classmates for an introduction to the people, resources, and opportunities that are here to support your success at Sewanee. It all leads up to signing the Honor Code and officially becoming a Sewanee student!

You can read more about New Student Orientation here. Note: There will be a New Family Orientation from Saturday, Aug. 23, to Sunday, Aug. 24. If any of your family members will attend, please register them in advance via the form on your  Applicant Status Page. The registration form will be available in June.

For Athletes

Fill Out Your Student-Athlete Bio Form

Share some information about yourself with Sewanee Athletics so that we can generate your profile on the athletic website, build your profiles for media guides, and be able to promote your accomplishments to local, regional and national media outlets.

Available on your Applicant Status Page in late spring. Due July 15.

Submit Your Athletic Health Form Supplement

If you will play a varsity or club sport, you will need to submit a supplemental athletic health form in addition to the health form that is required of all students. The form must be completed by a licensed medical professional, so go ahead and make an appointment with your doctor—you don’t want to run out of time later in the summer!

Available on your Applicant Status Page in March. Due July 15.

For International Students

Complete the International Document Request Form

Before we can welcome you to campus, you’ll have to obtain a visa. The first step is to complete the international document request form to share information and required documents with the University. That form will allow us to issue you an I-20, which you will use to apply for your visa. Contact the Office of Global Citizenship if you have any questions.

Available on your Applicant Status Page in February. Due May 27.

For Students Seeking Accommodations

Register with Student Accessibility Services

The Student Accessibility Services office works to ensure that students with disabilities are afforded an equal opportunity to participate in and benefit from the programs, services, and activities of the University. Check out the SAS website for more information about registering for academic, dining, and/or housing accommodations.

Register for accommodations at your earliest convenience by following the procedures outlined by Student Accessibility Services. Please note the deadline for housing accommodations is June 1.

For Students Awarded Work-Study

Apply for a Work-Study Position

If you were awarded work-study for the coming academic year, use the form on your Applicant Status Page to accept work-study and find instructions for viewing and applying for work-study positions.

Available on your Applicant Status Page in May. Due June 13.