The Office of Residential Life accepts proposals from the student body to create special interest houses that focus on a specific theme. The theme should contribute to the broader educational and social growth of the community.

  • A theme house centered around a particular academic or intellectual pursuit, e.g., an interest house with a focus on student/faculty research.
  • A theme house to support a common interest, e.g., substance-free social programming, hunting and fishing, health and wellness, etc.
  • A Greek organization with a mission and plan to provide meaningful social, service, philanthropic, and leadership experiences.

Current Theme Houses

Residential life offers an array of smaller theme houses for sophomore, junior, and senior students. These houses are intentionally focused living-learning spaces that bring students together for an enhanced residential experience. Occupancy in each house is limited, ranging from five to 12 students, and offers a more independent style of living with each house having its own full kitchen and living space.


We would like to provide an intentionally designed living learning experience with the following goals in mind:

  • To house a group of students together who support a specific shared academic/co-curricular interest.
  • To provide an educational/social benefit to the house members as well as to the campus community.
  • To enhance the connection between academics, co-curricular activities, and the residential experience.
  • To plan and implement programs throughout the academic year that will:
    • Further the development of the residents within the house, and
    • Educate the campus community with programs that highlight the theme of the house.

Applications can be found on Engage. Submit your proposal with the following policies & procedures in mind. 

  • There must be a plan in place, at the time of submission, to fill all beds in the house. (Occupancy in the houses ranges from six to 14 residents.)
  • Theme houses and Greek organizations must have an advisor. The advisor must be a faculty or staff member who is interested in the purpose and goal of your theme house.
  • A house manager must be appointed who will be responsible for scheduling house meetings, distributing information to house residents, and liaising with the Office of Residential Life. Incoming new students cannot live in a theme house.
  • Each proposal must include a plan, budget, and source of funding for the academic year, identifying their aspirations and commitments for the year. 

Proposals will be reviewed by a committee of students, staff, and faculty. 

Nicolas savage

Area Coordinator

Residential Life Suite, Bishop's Commons