Welcome to CAPS!

The staff at Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS) works to promote the mental health and wellbeing of our students and our community. Students are invited to make an appointment to meet with a CAPS clinician to discuss any mental health concerns.

Hours and Contact Information

Hours: Monday-Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

Closed for lunch daily from 12:00 p.m. to 1:00 p.m.

Phone: (931) 598-1325

Email: caps@sewanee.edu

Fax: (931) 598-1261

Location: 604 University Ave., Sewanee, TN 37383

Wellness Commons, ground floor

How to Schedule a CAPS Appointment

New Clients: New clients (or previous clients who wish to meet with a different therapist) can schedule a 30-minute triage counseling appointment online or by calling the front desk at (931) 598-1325. To schedule online, visit your patient portal. Click on the "Appointments" tab, then select "Schedule an Appointment."


Returning Clients: If you saw a CAPS therapist in previous years and wish to continue working with that same therapist, OR if you have already been seen this academic year, you do not need to schedule a triage appointment. Please call the front desk at (931) 598-1325 to schedule.

Emergency Counseling Services

If you are experiencing a mental health emergency during regular business hours (8:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m., Monday - Friday), a counselor at the center will see you that same day. You can call (931) 598-1325 for a same-day appointment, or just walk in to our office in the Wellness Commons. 


If you experience a mental health emergency outside of business hours, you can reach our 24-hour crisis line at (931) 598-1700. 


For reference, mental health emergencies would include:

  • Serious thoughts of suicide
  • Thoughts of harming someone else
  • Recent assault or abuse
  • Hallucinations
  • Recent death of a loved one or other significant loss
  • Witnessing or experiencing a traumatic event
  • Other personal safety concerns

For immediate emergency care, call 911, call Campus Police at (931) 598-1111, or go immediately to the nearest hospital emergency room. The hospital on campus, Southern Tennessee Regional Health System-Sewanee, is located at 1260 University Ave. The non-emergency phone number for the hospital is (931) 598-5691.

The CAPS Model of Service Delivery: Holistic Stepped Care

The stepped care model is a framework designed to provide students with tailored mental health support while optimizing resources and accessibility. It operates by matching the intensity of care to students’ levels of need. The model includes low-intensity services, such as self-help tools and outreach programs that are designed to meet the needs of the unique campus population. For students requiring more assistance, higher levels of care, such as individual therapy, group counseling, and medication management are available. By streamlining services and focusing on right-sizing care, our holistic approach to the stepped care model fosters a responsive and sustainable mental health system for our campus.




Individual Therapy Scope of Care: When appropriate, students may participate in brief, goal-oriented mental health counseling with a CAPS clinician. Although we don't impose a session limit, students are often able to meet their counseling goals within 4 or 5 sessions. Sessions typically take place every other week and last 45-50 minutes. Students are welcome to return to CAPS as needed throughout their time at Sewanee. Students needing longer-term or more intensive (i.e. weekly) therapy are typically provided with referral information for off-campus therapists (see Community Mental Health Provider section below).


Special Offerings: As part of our stepped care model, we have created a variety of programs ranging from more intensive individual therapy to creative and research-informed alternatives to traditional talk therapy. 

  • MindBody Lab: The MindBody Lab combines mindfulness coaching and biofeedback monitoring to help students manage strong emotions and increase personal resilience. The MindBody Lab for Athletes works with teams to help athletes improve focus and decrease performance anxiety.
  • BEBP: Our Brief, Evidence-Based Psychotherapy (BEBP, pronounced "beep") Clinic offers treatment protocols that focus on short-term, intensive, evidence-based treatments for specific diagnoses or treatment goals. We offer BEBP treatment for: anxiety, depression, OCD, ADHD, and overcoming alcohol problems.
  • Nature Therapy: Exposure to nature has been proven to have many physical, psychological, and cognitive benefits, including lowered stress, improved mood, and enhanced focus. Our nature therapy program moves the therapy session outdoors to Sewanee's hiking trails and gardens on campus.
  • Light Therapy: Light therapy uses boxed light to mimic the sunlight to ease symptoms of seasonal affective disorder. We provide screenings and referrals to Student Accessibility Services for students who wish to borrow light therapy lamps free of charge. 

Resources for Faculty and Staff

Knowing how to recognize signs of distress, how to respond, and how to access resources will equip faculty and staff with the tools to support a student who needs help. Our staff has created this Purple Folder as a resource for employees to help students in distress. 

Our Core Values

CAPS Staff

We are Inclusive.

We believe strongly in the value of all people. We welcome students of all cultures, all races, all sexual orientations, all gender identities, and all spiritual beliefs. We are firmly committed to ensuring that our center is a safe space for ALL


We are Strengths-focused. 

We believe that all people have the capacity to grow and to change. We understand that each of our students has abilities, assets, and resources which they can tap into to assist with their problems and goals. We also see the social environment of Sewanee as a place rich with resources and opportunities, and we help students connect with these resources to increase psychological well-being.


We are Student-centered. 

We recognize that our students are the experts in their own lives, and we are committed to collaborative models of mental health care. We strive to recognize, accept, and address the full spectrum of our students' individual and collective lives and mental health needs. 


Patient Portal

Access your Patient Portal to manage appointments, contact staff confidentially, and fill out questionnaires and forms. 


To find out more about making appointments, cancelling appointments, managing a crisis, and confidentiality, see our FAQ page. 

Additional Resources

Additional emergency resources:

  • National Suicide Prevention Lifeline: Call or text 9-8-8
  • Crisis Text Line: Text "HOME" to 741741
  • TN Centerstone Crisis Care Line: (800) 681-7444
  • Students of Color Crisis Text Line: Text "STEVE" to 741741
  • Trevor Lifeline for LGBTQ+ Youth: (866) 488-7386
  • Trans Lifeline: (877) 565-8860
  • My SSP for International Students: 1 (866) 743-7732


See below for a list of community mental health providers, sexual assault resources, and additional wellness resources. 

Graduate Level Internship

Are you in a graduate program for counseling or social work and looking for an internship location? Find out more about opportunities at Sewanee's CAPS!



Interested in supporting student wellness at Sewanee? Contribute to the Wellness Commons general fund or be a part of a specific initiative like:

  • Outreach Programming
  • Substance Abuse Prevention
  • Faculty Education Around Student Mental Health
  • CPR Training for Students

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