Office of Undergraduate Research and Scholarship Welcomes the Inaugural Cohort of Faculty Fellows for Mentored Research and Creative Work

March 3, 2025

The Office of Undergraduate Research and Scholarship (OURS) has announced that Associate Professor of Religious Studies Kati Curts, Associate Professor of Biology Katie McGhee, and Professor of Theatre Jennifer Matthews will serve as the inaugural faculty fellows for mentored research and creative work. 

All are experienced mentors who are passionate about improving the culture of undergraduate research at Sewanee. They approach this challenge through varied disciplinary lenses, representing the humanities, sciences, and the arts. Over the course of one year, they will work closely with Elise Kikis and Terri Fisher, co-directors of OURS, to study and communicate best practices for mentored research.

While serving as fellows, the group will also run workshops for Sewanee faculty and examine practices within the institution that might be adapted to better serve the stated strategic goal of enhancing undergraduate research experiences. This project is supported by a McCrickard Faculty Development Grant from the University of the South.