Tuesday, February 26, 2019
4:30 p.m.
Gailor Auditorium
University of Texas-Austin Professor Patricia Roberts-Miller presents "The Pleasures of Outrage: Why We Love Demagoguery."
Miller is the author of Voices in the Wilderness: The Paradox of the Puritan Public Sphere (University of Alabama Press, 1999), Deliberate Conflict: Composition Classes and Political Spaces (Southern Illinois University Press, 2004), Fanatical Schemes: Proslavery Rhetoric and the Tragedy of Consensus (University of Alabama Press, 2009), Demagoguery and Democracy (The Experiment, 2017), and Rhetoric and Demagoguery (Souther Illinois University Press, 2019).
A reception and book-signing will follow the lecture.
Sponsored by:
The Center for Speaking & Listening
Sewanee's Quality Enhancement Program "Learning to Speak, Speaking to Learn,"
The Rhetoric Program
The University Lectures Committee
American Studies Department
Classics Department
Politics Department
Office of Civic Engagement