Class of 2024

Saverio Annunziata

"My journey as a Carey Fellow has been nothing short of transformative. From networking opportunities that expanded my horizons to a semester-long internship in Asia, every experience has been a stepping stone towards personal and professional growth. The camaraderie within our cohort fueled collaboration and learning, and the trip to India enriched my understanding of global business dynamics. As I reflect on these moments, I am filled with gratitude for the doors this program has opened and the confidence it has instilled in me for the future. I wholeheartedly recommend this experience to anyone seeking to challenge themselves and broaden their perspective."

Bella Francois

"The Carey Fellowship has been the cornerstone of my Sewanee experience. I have emerged as a confident and effective communicator, a prepared young professional, and a better citizen of the global business world. My experiences—from executive briefing trips, networking dinners, and semester-long internship to relationships within my cohort and the Babson Center staff—have prepared me to be a leader in the business world. It is a blessing to have had such an extraordinary opportunity."

Ahmad Ijaz

"Throughout my time at Sewanee, the Carey Fellowship has been an exceptional resource in my personal and professional development through the numerous opportunities it has provided. From semester-long internships and executive briefing trips to speaker series and seminar-style classes, the fellowship has enabled me to rigorously learn new subjects, network effectively with industry professionals, and sharpen my qualitative and quantitative skill sets."

Sherry Khan

“The Carey Fellowship has profoundly shaped my journey, offering unparalleled opportunities for growth. My semester-long internship in NYC, executive briefing trips to major cities, and extensive networking events have been pivotal. These experiences honed my communication skills and expanded my professional network. The program’s collaborative spirit encouraged substantial personal and peer learning. I am grateful for the confidence and insights gained and am excited to apply what I've learned in my future endeavors!”

Jadelyn Mitchell

“The Carey Fellowship has been an incredible journey, filled with growth, gratitude, and new perspectives. From enriching business trips to invaluable mentorship, I've been privileged to experience it all. Through this program, I've gained confidence, compassion, and a deeper understanding of business through a liberal arts lens. I'm grateful for every opportunity and every connection made. I thank this program for shaping me into who I am today.”

Maya Quick

“The Carey Fellowship has transformed me into a confident, young woman who can fearlessly walk into any room. Along with perfecting my communication skills, I’m able to effectively network and collaborate with students and professional leaders during business dinners, executive briefings trips, and seminars. Over the past four years, I’ve made lifelong connections and memories and am grateful for these experiences. Thank you to the Babson Center and my cohort. I am truly blessed to have been a Carey Fellow!”

Hawkins Schnabel

"The Carey Fellowship is one of the most extraordinary programs that Sewanee offers. It helped me grow exponentially and contributed to my development as a coworker, student, young professional, and person. The opportunities it provided are second to none, giving me chances to learn, take risks, and see the world of business in ways that are hard to find anywhere else. The relationships, experiences, and confidence I gained from it are indispensable, and I will eternally be grateful for my time in the program."

Pratham Singhal

“The Carey Fellowship has been a major catalyst in my personal and professional journey at Sewanee. Its diverse aspects of growth, from unique semester-long internships to stellar executive meetings, have instilled a strong sense of confidence, camaraderie, and creativity which I will cherish throughout my life. The Carey Fellow family has been a strong pillar of strength, which has guided me through numerous challenges and celebrated my triumphs. I am incredibly grateful to be part of this special cohort.”

Maggie Tilyou

“The world of business has many doors, and the Babson Center was happy to meet me at mine. Curating a ‘tailored-to-you’ business curriculum that starts in the classroom and bleeds into almost every aspect of your Sewanee experience is what the Carey Fellowship does best. Conducting field research in India, managing a restaurant, and studying international business in Barcelona were all things I would have never imagined doing in college. No words can express how precious the Babson Center has made these 4 years for me.”