Dr. Sylvia Gray, Title IX Coordinator & Senior Director of EEOT (Equity, Equal Opportunity, & Title IX)
Dr. Gray has dedicated over fifteen years of her career to higher education administration and various other roles. Gray's experience includes the following positions:
- Director of operations for an all girls non-profit agency
- A prior athletic trainer in sports medicine for several male dominated sports
- A director of university housing for students
- A director of university housing for multicultural and international families
- A senior conduct hearing officer
- A Title IX Investigator
- A coordinator of a women's center
- A coordinator of a multicultural affairs center
- A leadership facilitator
- A Greek Life/Risk Management Advisor
- A certified coach for the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator Preference Assessment (MBTI)
- A Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Trainer and Facilitator
- And an adjunct professor of Higher Education Administration.
- Gray also serves as the Title IX Coordinator at The University of the South in Sewanee, Tennessee.
Gray’s experience is rooted in educating, training, storytelling, and engaging with a variety of populations. Gray holds a dual role as Sewanee’s Senior Director of Equity & Equal Opportunity and as the Title IX Coordinator. Her role includes overseeing compliance efforts within specific areas, collaborating with campus partners to achieve mutual interests, and advising the executive offices, faculty, staff, students, clergy, and the broader Sewanee community on issues that intersect with federal laws and guidelines that include: Title II, Title VI, Title VII, Title IX (including the Clery Act, VAWA, and the Campus Save Act), EEO, ADEA, ADA, FERPA and NCAA.