Jonathan Brown, C’18
Elementary School Teacher, Chattanooga, TN
About the Community Advisory Board
Our Community Advisory Board (CAB), which meets twice annually, consists of area residents, alumni of the College and School of Theology, and representatives of the Episcopal Church. Its membership has been recruited to provide the Roberson Project with a resource of diverse experience, knowledge, and perspective that will supplement and enhance that of the Project’s Working Group of faculty, students, and staff.
In addition to their feedback on the work we do, the CAB helps strengthen the Project’s connections to communities in the area surrounding Sewanee — and especially with present and former African American residents of the Mountain and their descendants. Finally, the CAB serves as an advocate for the Project’s work and goals, expanding awareness of and support for the Project to important constituencies in the Middle Tennessee region and across the nation through media, academic, Episcopal Church, and other networks.
Elementary School Teacher, Chattanooga, TN
Associate Professor, Dept. of History, University of Texas - Arlington, TX
Realtor, Sewanee, TN
Rector, Otey Memorial Parish, Sewanee, TN
Retired U.S. Navy; owner, Sewanee Pilates, Sewanee, TN
Associate Rector, St. John’s Episcopal Church, Montgomery, AL
Historic Sewanee Resident, Belvidere, TN
Associate Director, Department of Special Collections, Stanford University Library, Palo Alto, CA
Lifelong Sewanee Resident, Admissions Office, University of the South, Sewanee, TN
Pastor, Mt. Zion Baptist Church, Tullahoma, TN
Bishop, Diocese of Atlanta, GA