Assistant Professor of Politics and Women's and Gender Studies (Sabbatical-Easter Semester 2020)
B.A. University of Florida M.A. Florida Atlantic University Graduate Certificate in Women's, Gender and Sexuality Studies, Emory University PhD, Emory University
Dr. Paige Schneider has a joint appointment with the departments of Women’s and Gender studies, and Politics. She teaches courses in the fields of gender and politics, political sociology, and LGBTQ Studies. Professor Schneider earned her PhD in political science, and a graduate teaching certificate in women’s, gender, and sexuality studies from Emory University. She has served as a consultant to non-governmental organizations in Bolivia and Liberia on issues related to gender and political representation, and gender and violence.
Schneider’s current research examines the relationship between gender and election violence, and resistance to women’s political leadership in transitional democracies including Uganda and Tunisia. A secondary line of research concerns gender and fight sports. She has published in peer reviewed journals including most recently, Policy Studies (2019), and The Journal of Gender Studies (2020). Current publications include a book chapter, "Gender and Election Violence in Uganda," in Gender and Violence against Political Actors (Temple University Press; eds. Elin Bjarnegård and Pär Zetterberg, 2023) that examines violence against female political candidates in local council elections drawing upon her fieldwork in Uganda. She has a forthcoming book chapter, "Increasing visibility and the (re)presentation of female boxers in print media," in Boxing, Narrative, and Culture: Critical Perspectives, eds. Sarah Crews and Solomon Lennox, Routledge (in press).
At the College, Schneider is a founding member of the College’s original community engaged learning program, and was the faculty coordinator along with Andrew Moser and Nicky Hamilton, of the intergroup dialogue (IGD) curriculum initiative on race and class. She served as the Posse Scholar faculty mentor for the C’17 cohort.
Her CV can be found here.