Emeritus Woods Labs 215 / ext. 1549
B.S., Manhattan College; M.S., Ph.D., Syracuse University
Dr. Hart retired from his teaching duties in June 2013. However, he is continuing his research program in Biophysics and Biomedical Engineering. In a partnership with Dr. John Palisano of the Biology Department he is studying the galvanotaxis of amoeba. He is also currently investigating (1) how changes in the electrical properties of skin with time can be used to measure skin's mechanical properties and (2) the heating of skin by low-level microwaves. Dr. Hart maintains active collaborations with The Department of Electrical Engineering of the University of Ljubljana, The Department of Cell Physiology of the University of Leicester, and The School of Medicine at L.S.U., Shreveport.
Academic Position: The University of the South
- Instructor in Physics 1967
- Assistant Professor of Physics 1969
- Associate Professor of Physics 1973
- Professor of Physics 1981
- Chairman 1977-87; 1992-97
- The University of Salford (England); Visiting Research Fellow 1980-81
- Faculty Research Participation Program; Oak Ridge National Laboratories; 1994-95
Professional Activities
- Sigma Xi Club; Secretary-Treasurer 1968-70; Vice-President 1972-74; President 1978-80, 1990-92
- Tennessee Section: American Association of Physics Teachers; Vice-Chairman 1976-77, 1984-85, 1995-96; Chairman 1977-78, 1985-86, 1996-97
- Tennessee Academy of Science
- American Association of Physics Teachers
- Southeastern Section: American Physical Society
- Bioelectromagnetics Society; Technical Program Committee 1992; Board of Directors 2005-
- International Society of Bioelectricity; Board of Directors 1983-87
- IEEE Electrical Insulation Society (Associate)
- Society for Physical Regulation in Biology and Medicine; Executive Council 1987-89; Chairman of the Bylaws Committee 1986-96; Program Committee 1989-94, Chairman 1994; President-Elect 1998-9; President 2000-01
- The Bioelectrochemical Society
Referee for
- American Journal of Physics
- IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering
- Journal of Bioelectricity
- Bioelectromagnetics
- Applied Computational Electromagnetics Society Journal
- Encyclopedia of Applied Physics
- Journal of Orthopaedic Research
- American Chemical Society Books
- IEEE Transactions on Electromagnetic Compatibility
- Journal of Electrochemistry
- U.S. Civilian Research and Development Foundation (State Department)
- Journal of Applied Physics; Applied Physics Letters
- International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering
Research Grants and Contracts
- Research Corporation Grants: 1973-75; Ion-Wind Enhancement of Evaporation
- 1982-83; Microcomputer Measurement of Plant Dielectric Properties
- Electric Power Research Institute Contracts: 1987-1994; Modeling the Interaction of Applied Electric and Magnetic Fields with Biological Systems
- National Science Foundation: 1993-96; Instructional Use of Computers
- Department of Energy Contract: 1995-98; Analysis of Thin-Film Batteries
- Department of Energy Contract: 1999-2001; Modeling Broadband Electromagnetic Pulses
- National Science Foundation: 2003-06; Co-PI for Internet II system
- Metanexus Foundation: 2004-07; Develop
Classes Recently Taught
- General Physics
- Astronomy
- Advance Electromagnetic Theory
Research Interests
- Mathematical Modeling of the Interaction of Electric and Magnetic Fields with Biological Systems
- Electroporation
- Impedance Spectroscopy of Biomaterials
- Teaching of Physics
- Administrator

These measurements were performed by undergraduate Sewanee students working on research projects.
Recent Publications
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