Bentley Bells History
The history of the Sewanee bells.
The University offers course credit to interested students while learning how to play two unique types of bells in towers around the quad. For physical education credits, students can register for classes that teach them how to ring eight change ringing bells in the historic Breslin tower. For music credits, students can learn how to play the University's historic Carillon, an instrument using a keyboard to ring bells in All Saints' Chapel.
For more information on these courses, and the bells at Sewanee, contact Professor Ray Gotko (rmgotko@sewanee.edu).
The history of the Sewanee bells.
A history of Sewanee's Leonidas Polk Carillon
Interested in becoming a bell-ringer or player? Get a PE credit!
Want to become a Carillon player at Sewanee? Take the Music department course and learn to play.