Die Otto-Friedrichs-Universität Bamberg
Bamberg, a town of medieval Renaissance and Baroque buildings, is located in Northern Bavaria. The university is still young; it was founded in 1972 and declared a university in 1979. Unlike other German universities, it occupies some of the old buildings in the city. With about 5000 students, the University of Bamberg is relatively small compared to other German universities. Therefore the possibility of close contact between students and professors ranks Bamberg as one of the most popular German universities. For more information about the University of Bamberg, visit http://www.uni-bamberg.de/, or for more information about Bamberg itself, please visit http://www.stadt.bamberg.de/.
Dr. Dieter Lucht, the director of the Akademisches Auslandsamt of the University of Bamberg serves as Resident Advisor in Bamberg with administrative coordination by the German Department of the University of the South. Sewanee students in Bamberg usually live in the modern Pestalozzi-Studentenheim.
The Program
In 1986, the University of the South established a direct exchange program with the University of Bamberg. Students of all major fields with the exception of mathematics or the natural and physical sciences may apply. Students may enroll for either the entire academic year from October 5 to July 3, or the summer semester from April 5 to July 31.
The usual course-load per semester is:
- A pre-semester intensive language seminar culminating in a language examination (3 credit hours).
- Two language courses for 3 credit hours each.
- Two seminars carrying 3 credit hours each. Students staying all year will add a third seminar in the summer semester, since they will not repeat the pre-semester intensive language course.
To be considered, a student should have a class standing of a rising junior. The student should have a sufficient level of proficiency in German to enroll at the University of Bamberg. Students pay whatever tuition they owe to the Univ. of the South minus any financial aid but pay their room and board directly in Bamberg. Applications for the Sewanee Year or Semester in Bamberg should be made directly to the Associate Dean of the College.
Applications should be submitted by February 15 for the Junior Year program and by November 15 for the summer semester.
Cross Scholarship
Established in 1997, the Jackson Cross (C’30) scholarship offers assistance for Sewanee students studying abroad in Germany. These funds are awarded on the basis of financial need and to assist with additional costs incurred as part of study abroad, particularly in the summer, including international travel and personal expenses. There are two deadlines each year: for programs in the summer and fall terms, the application deadline is in early April; for programs in the spring semester, the deadline is in early October. Students studying in Germany or Austria are encouraged to apply here.